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The following day, Bianca is no where to be found. Cho had woken to an empty bed, despite her friend always being the last to wake up. Straight away alarms rang in Cho's head.

When the girls figure wasn't there, she went looking through the Ravenclaw common-room. Gaining odd stares at her as she frantically pushed through the crowds of students.

"Luna!" Cho exclaims as she sees the blonde hair of her friend. Inhaling dramatically, her hands set on her bent knees as she gains her breath. "Have you seen B anywhere?"

After facing her friend, Luna tilts her head with a dreamy smile, "Oh hello, Cho." She begins to think back and her eyes almost gleam as she bounces up straight. "I was wondering the halls to find my shoes and I ran into Bianca. She said something about going spend the day outside."

Another dreamy smile replacing her straight, thoughtful one. "Yes- It is quite nice whether outside."

Cho's head lifts up from defeat, a wide grin on her face, "Okay, great!" She hops up straight, breaking into a jog as she makes her way to a special spot. "Thank you Luna!" Her voice echo's through the room.

"Stay safe from nargles!" Luna retorts just before Cho makes it past their common-room door. She runs past a few first-year students slouched down the wall who shoot her a thankful gaze as she holds the door open.

The main halls are buzzing with students, most out of their robes due to it being the weekend. Waves of students wear knitted sweaters with their respected house colours, Cho being one of them.

Questioning glances are shot her way as she manoeuvres through the loud crowd. It becomes more difficult for Cho as she bumps into someone's shoulder, earning a grunt from the person. "Watch where you're-"

The low voice cuts off as Cho looks up to see Malfoy staring at her, his mouth parted as though he wants to say something. Her eyes move to behind him, where his goons Crabbe and Goyle stand. Cho cowers at Malfoy's stare, "Listen, Malfoy. I'm sorry i'm in a rush trying to find Bianca and-"

Cho's cut off by Malfoy's silencing hand shooting out at her. "Wow, okay. Rude." She's taken aback, but she's left even more confused at what Malfoy asks her next.

"Is she okay?" His question cuts through the thick air. Cho raises an eyebrow at him, but he says no more.

With a huff Cho quickly responds with a, "She's fine." Giving him one last questioning glance before turning to run again. People had stopped to watch the encounter, obviously hoping to share the info on this 'odd interaction' to their friends.

Malfoy watches as Cho continues to run down the hall. His eyes not going back to his friends but instead stuck on the way she had just went. Debating with himself for a moment, he turns back to Crabbe and Goyle to continue on with his day. Although he chose to not follow Cho, he knows she'll be all he can thing about. He has been since the early hours of the morning.

Back with Cho, she was back on her mission to make it to the Black Lake. She remembers Bianca had not stopped talking about the spot after her and Pansy hung out there. She had promised Cho they'd have a picnic there together, watching the beautiful scenery.

As she runs out the big backdoors of Hogwarts, Cho turns to the path along the waterline, her eyes following to find the specific tree Bianca had mentioned.

Finally, she spots it. A beautiful tree with leaves a vibrant orange. Though the leaves are not dead, for it is not autumn. They purely grow in that colour, just as a cherry blossom tree grows pink.
Sitting under the tree is Bianca, her hair sprawled across her face. Her body lays limp, the big sweater she wears almost swallowing her. The sweater that evidently is not hers through the hues of green on it. There's a slight slant in her body as it tilts to the side, her back against the tree.

The tip of her nose is pink as the chilly December air hits her face. Soon, the students would go home for Christmas break, ready to celebrate with their family. Bianca is known to love the Christmas tradition. Her tree is up as soon as a sparkle of snow hits the ground.

Speaking of snow, it had began snowing the morning of. Now, the beanie that Bianca wears is covered in small speckles of snow that has fallen from the tree. Some specks of snow have fallen onto her lashes too.

A pair of wired headphones are in her ears, connecting down to the small muggle music player that sits in her lap, making Cho wonder where her phone is.

She can just about hear the faint beat of the music playing, but Cho had to concentrate hard to catch it.

She spots the book sprawled beside her, the pages beginning to become stiff from the frost. Cho immediately recognised the book. It had been gifted to her by a muggle-born in their house when she was in her third-year. Being a muggle book, it had been one Bianca had never read and so she immediately accepted the offer.

She had gotten a lot of hate from the students who didn't accept muggle-borns, yet Bianca didn't mind. She believes that anyone can do anything, and using their differences as an excuse to discriminate against them isn't any bit fair. They all share the same thing. A heart.

Cho adores Bianca. The whole school does. Bianca is the type of girl to go to drastic measures in order to help someone. She would put others before herself if that means she can do anything to help them.

A completely selfless girl with a pure heart of gold. You couldn't hate Bianca Davis. She is simply to kind to hate.

Though sometimes where others benefit, she does not. Her selflessness is also her downfall, and Cho has seen that first hand. The girl will break herself down to build someone up.
Her overthinking and doubts tend to destroy her. She doesn't like people to help her, to listen.

Bianca Davis is a lost girl, helping everyone but herself. She hides from the world.

Her soul too pure to let anyone touch.

But maybe the right person just hasn't found her.

You honestly do not understand my appreciation. Thank you all for voting for my story and interacting! 🫶

Thankfully, I have a two-week break coming up and this means i'll have more time to finish my story. I may make shorter chapters in order to break it up, but it will differentiate between the shorter social media and writing.

Hope you've all been well and please tap the star! 🤍

- L

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