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The rest of this book will be in the POV of Bianca

"It's not time for jokes, Davis. Why didn't you tell me.," he asks once more, this time firmer.

I drop my gaze to the ground below us and let out a shaky tremble of breath.

This boy can never take a hint, can he? Who taught him to be so persistent.
It's hot that he does what he wants- Not the time, Bianca.

"Draco, please just drop it. I was just having a bit of fun. That's all." I say, frustrated.

My eyes lift back up to his blue ones, the heat of his gaze immediately staring straight through me. Thankfully, rather than pushing me further over the edge he pushes back. It's almost like he shuts a wall over any emotion seeable behind his eyes. He's a rock.

Calmly, which is scary to me, he says. "If that's what you want me to believe, Davis." He puffs a breath of air that in the cold winter lets out an air of fog before shoving his hands into his pockets and swiftly pulling out a familiar blue phone case.
My eyes light up as I shove my hands out for my phone, uttering a rush of thank yous to him.

Malfoy tenses up, before he turns swiftly and storms off. I let my mouth hang open, baffled, as I watch his pale figure retreat back to the warmth of the castle.

Given me time to wallow in self pity. Thanks a lot, Malfoy.

Left all alone in the depths of the forest, with chills running all over my body, the hairs on my arms standing up, I finally begin to trudge my journey back to the towers.

After a while of sulking and stomping my way back, finally I make it to the familiar doorway of the Ravenclaw dorms. Although, one slight problem.
I say my shoulders in embarrassment, as I receive the riddle from the eagle knocker that hangs from the door. My brain utterly exhausted from a lack of sleep, I wish that right now I had the mind of Hermione.

Ravenclaw, home of the bright witches my ass. I couldn't even answer the darn riddles! Gobsmacked, I am.

Utterly exhausted from the earlier events, my body can't be bothered anymore. So instead of answering, I decide on sliding down the wall into a comfortable fetal position, my legs tucked underneath my body. I'll just let my eyes rest for a moment, i'm sure someone will pass by and i'll get let in. Maybe Cho, or another younger Ravenclaw student. They always seem to come back to study.

Someone will come back-

LOVE TEXTING, DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now