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The soft wind outside is enough to stir Bianca from her sleep. Her eyes blink open slowly, adjusting to the daylight. Frantic when she realises she isn't in the comfort of her room she launches her body upright.

With her eyes zooming around her, she takes in the view of the Black Lake. It's later now, around afternoon and she wonders if anyone had come looking for her. With a growling stomach, she reaches for the book that had been tossed on the floor in her frantic state and closes it.

After storing it away safely Bianca makes an effort to stand, ready to go eat. As she moves, she feels heavier. An odd feeling stirs in her gut, but she chooses to ignore it.

Pulling the headphones from her ears the muggle music cuts off and she becomes more conscious of her surroundings.

Pulling her jacket around her she trudges through the light snow, a crunch sounding from beneath her with every step.

Making it to the path, she begins her journey back. However, she notices that with each crunch of her step there is another coming from behind her.

Anxiously, she quickens her pace but that does nothing to stop whoever was in pursuit. She doesn't want to look back, but rather be oblivious of her fate.

Each crunch in the snow is almost synchronised with hers and immediately she realises that she should've trusted her gut. Who knows what's lurking beneath these trees.

A million thoughts fly through Bianca's head. Should she turn or not? If she was being attacked she would want to see her attacker. Deciding on it she makes one abrupt movement, whizzing around with her hand in the air to fight off whoever is following her.

With closed eyes she waits for the impact, but it never comes. Instead, her wrist is caught and her movements halted.

"This is it im gonna die!" Bianca mumbles her sentence dramatically, her eyes still squeezed shut.

"You're going to- What?" A slightly muffled voice sounds from in front of her. One all too familiar.

Slowly, she opens her eyes. Those piercing grey eyes stare back into her own, but with a small squint in them as he looks at her with question.

Her eyes scan his pale face in relief, then down to his frame. He's wearing a long black coat that's unbuttoned to show off his black pants and jumper. A small, green and black scarf is wrapped around his neck, covering his mouth in attempts to keep him warm.

"I- No, that's not what-" her words end up dying in her throat, unsure of where she was going with her sentence. A heat rises in her cheeks due to embarrassment. He definitely remembers everything, she thinks.

Suddenly the girl becomes conscious, way too concious of what she's wearing. His sweater. The Slytherin sweater he gave her yesterday when she was cold. The sweater she voluntary chucked on again this morning because it was comforting. It smelt like him.

Oh my god he's gonna think I haven't showered! She thinks.

His eyes drop to her- His sweater and back to her before he does a subtle shake of his head. Keep it.
"Why are you stalking me, Malfoy. Not the brightest idea to follow a girl through a forest." In a tone laced with sarcasm she attempts to lighten the awkward tension between them.

When he simply stares back she decides she's had enough embarrassment for the day and yanks her hand from his grip.

"Can we talk," he asks in more of a statement way rather than a question. He's telling her they're talking. Not asking.

"I don't really think that's necessary," Bianca responds and without a second glance she turns around to walk off.

She hears his footsteps behind her again. "We both know that's not an acceptable answer." He softly grabs her waist, spinning her to face him.

Her back flushes against one of the trees and she feels a few small ice shards prick into her back. Bianca doesn't miss how warm she feels with him near; The comfort she seeks near him and she dares to wonder if he feels that with Astoria.

Draco's tall build captures her, as he stands closer to her than before. Her face flushes a deep crimson at the close proximity, causing her to look down at her feet.

"You're not running off," he says softly as he takes a step back, the warmth immediately lost between them. "Not after i've missed lunch to track you down. You're a hard girl to find."

"So i've been told."

He clears his throat, causing her to look back up at him. "So we finally meet, Bianca Davis." A small smirk forms on his lips as he folds his arms carelessly.

"Well it's a great honor to be in your presence, Malfoy," she responds sarcastically, a hint of a smile threatening to take over. You can't miss the way her heart skips a beat when he says her name. When he acknowledges her.

"So you weren't going to tell us?" He says with a chuckle, his eyes staring into hers.

Bianca knows what the boys talking about. Will she go along with it? Definitely not. Instead, she opts to play dumb. "What are you on about?"

He looks back at her raising an eyebrow and that famous smirk once again makes an appearance. "We both know what i'm talking about, Davis. No need to dodge the questions."

Davis. Even though it's her last name, Bianca is unfamiliar with being acknowledged with it. She was on a first name basis with everyone, even people she has never spoken too. Even teachers!

It makes her stomach churn and she's unsure if it's in a good or bad way. She's confused, because it makes him seem like a stranger and yet still stand out to her.

"Well, you don't exactly want to admit to having a mommy kink. Just like I didn't want to admit I was the one who texted you." Bianca shrugs, chucking in a little joke that she hopes he will laugh at. Instead, she finds him furrowing his brows at her.

She feels his eyes stare into her soul and she suddenly feels like she's ten again, being stared down at her mother and father after lying about stealing a cookie from her mothers special jar.

She feels like he's stripping away a layer of protection and accessing all her memories and deepest secrets.

She feels like an open book.

She didn't like it. She felt vulnerable; Too easy to read. But it seemed like he is the only one that can.

Can read her.

This is the first part of their (somewhat) first real interaction.

Did you guys think it was going to be Cho? I tried to make it seem that way but instead it was our lovely ferret boy!
If you're a bit confused, last chapter was earlier in the day around morning time and when Cho found her she decided to leave her be. Then when she woke up the person who found her was DRACOOOO

anyways, as always enjoy reading and sweet dreams!
- L

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