interview #1 @TayyibMussa21 {Profile interview}

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1. When did you join Wattpad?

 I created my first account on Wattpad back in 2017

2. What type of stories do you have on your profile?

 The stories on my profile are of a poetic nature. The first is an anthology of randomized works. The second is a strictly poetry review and analysis book. 

3. What is something you've come to learn about your writing, while you've been on Wattpad?

Mhm, one thing I've come to learn about my writing since being on Wattpad, is the potential and capacity for growth my work holds. Soaking in the works of various great poets here on Wattpad has broadened my views and approach to writing as an art form, and has thus enabled me to view my own work with a more critical and broader lense, thereby allowing me to improve and grow as a writer. 

4. What do you think is important to have when creating a Wattpad profile?

 Patience, determination and humility. Patience because the Wattpad journey as a writer is more of a marathon than a sprint. Determination because as a new and unknown writer here on Wattpad, nobody owes you a read and quite frankly, nobody cares about your work, it's your job to make them, and that requires a determined mindset. And humility in order to engage with the community, Wattpad is not just a literary platform, but a social one as well. 

5. Do you think you should rush to publish stories on your profile, when you first join Wattpad?

 Not at all, i think one should test the waters first, read books, familiarize with the Wattpad environment, atmosphere, community, systems - so that when you do decide to publish a book, you're able to do so in the most optimal way in terms of marketing and publicizing your book, because one would be gravely mistaken to believe that Wattpad is about reading and writing books only, it is also about marketing and selling your book to the audience.

6. Do you have any writing tips to share?

I am not so experienced to have a plethora of tips and advice to give, so I'll just say one thing; Stay true to yourself. Don't lose heart, or change your writing voice or the message you want to send just because nobody is listening or nobody is voting or commenting, and don't lose your identity by blindly mimicking great writers you see on Wattpad - work on your own craft, mold it to the highest degree. When the going gets tough, don't change, adapt and evolve. 

7. What is your current story update routine?

 Unfortunately, I am currently on hiatus. More of a reader than a writer really.

8. Is there anything you would've changed to your profile, when you first joined Wattpad?

 I guess, i should've been more social and interactive on my message board back then.

9. When you are Wattpad, what is something you notice first on fellow Wattpad writer's profile?

 Mhm .. it'd have to be their bio of course 

10. Do you believe it is better to have a short bio section on your profile or a long bio section on your profile?

Either way is just fine. But if it's long, make sure it's at least interesting, and make sure it isn't wayward with unnecessary information and pointless banter. Remember, it's a bio, not a rant slot. 

11. What do you believe is important to include in the bio section of your profile?

Your interests, not just preferred genre - but generally what you like as a person, what you're into .. just so you can attract people with similar interests. 

12. What are some suggestions you would share to fellow writers about creating/maintaining a Wattpad profile?

Just, be Social. Interactive. Reply to every comment on your book, show gratitude to your readership. Be Consistent. Committed to your work. Read other people's works and comment, in order to gain readers for your own book - people tend to reciprocate when it comes to readers who actually read. And, don't get caught up in the race for followers and votes .. aim to garner genuine votes and followers - not through tactics. 

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