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I went to the parking lot, fulfilling Ethan's request. My eyes were scanning through the boys doing tricks on their skateboard. Soon enough, I spotted the curly-haired boy I was looking for.

Ethan was riding around on his skateboard, Hot Pockets and other kids surrounding him. He did a trick like he promised, and looked directly at me.

I gave Ethan a small smile and a little clap. He got off his skateboard, and walked towards me, the same smirk in his face.

"Did you like it?"

"You're really good at skateboarding," I admitted.

"I'm better at other things though."

I froze.

"I'm just messing with you. You're so cute," Ethan laughed, stroking my hair.

"Thanks," I blushed, unsure what to say. It was bothering me that I actually got butterflies at what he said.

Ben came into the parking lot. "Hey, y/n, can I talk to you for a second?"

Ethan stared him down as if I needed his approval.

"In private?" he added.

"What do you want with her?" Ethan demanded.

"Please, just a few minutes."

Ethan sighed and let Ben and I talk. "What, Ben?"

"I'm really sorry for yesterday. Devi was wrong, and I shouldn't of been so quick to defend her."

"Thanks for apologizing. Ben. Do you still have feelings for her?"

Ben was silent for a moment, before honestly looking at me. "I don't know anymore."

"What about Margot?"

"We broke up. She got mad that I believed she vandalized Devi's car, and told me that I should be more loyal to her."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I'm gonna go now, bye."

I waved Ben goodbye and returned to Ethan. "What did he want?" he asked.

"Just apologizing."

"Good. Because if it was anything else..."

Ethan seemed to be extremely protective, which I both admired and feared. At least it showed that he really did care about me.

At first, I saw him as a heartless bad boy who was just playing with my heart. But now I realized that even if he was the hot bad boy, he was still caring.

We walked inside the school together, satisfied by the looks everyone in the halls were giving us when he wrapped his arm around me.

Everybody seemed to be talking about us, "the new couple of Sherman Oaks High".

I felt more popular than I did before. But this time it was for the right reason. Before, I was talked about because of my best friend's drama. But now I was being talked about because I was "with" Ethan Morales, one of the hottest guys in school.

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