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At first, all of us were sitting in complete silence. Paxton and Ethan's bruises were bandaged up and taken care of, and I felt so uncomfortable being inbetween them, especially so close.

I felt Ethan's hand tracing along me, finding a spot on my thigh. I looked over at him. He still had some blood on his face that he missed. He was protective, but too much for his own good.

Paxton saw Ethan's closeness to me. His face reflected jealousy. I could see his hand nearing me too.

I just wanted this limo ride to be over.

Paxton tapped me on the shoulder, to which I turned to him. "I didn't want to fight with Ethan, I promise."

I just wanted to move past the fight. Especially because I didn't want another one to break out.

"Paxton, just drop it. Both of you hurt each other."

He sighed. "Ethan's just so jealous."

Paxton wasn't accepting the news of our relationship very well. "Probably because we're dating..."

Paxton's face dropped, and he slowly realized that he needed to stop talking. Meanwhile, Ethan was slowly moving closer to me.

I took a deep breath, and then rested my head on his shoulder to his surprise.

"You can't take your anger out like that," I whispered.

"Then tell Paxton to leave you alone," he said, extra loudly so Paxton could hear.

"Ethan, I'm yours. You don't need to worry about him. Just stop going after him."

"That's what you said before. But I saw you talking in the hallway during prom."


"He almost kissed you again. I saw it."

Ethan wasn't seeing what mattered. I didn't let him kiss me. I was over Paxton completely. And he was talking rather loud, which unleashed some uncomfortable tension throughout the limo.

"That's not what happened," Paxton clarified.

He was leaning over a bit, and so did Ethan. They looked each other in the eyes, and I suddenly disliked being in between them a lot more.

"Guys," Devi said loudly, trying to get Paxton and Ethan from going at each other.

Everyone's attention turned to Devi. "I have something to confess. I don't know if this is the best time, but I need to tell everyone."

I knew what she was going to say. I gave her a small nod, encouraging her to come clean to everybody.

"I didn't get into Princeton, or any Ivy League. I didn't get accepted anywhere," she confessed.

Fabiola and Eleanor exchanged glances, wondering why they didn't already know this.

Ben, who was next to Devi, put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Devi... I-I'm so sorry."

"Why did you lie?" Ethan asked.

I looked at Ethan, hoping he wouldn't say anything dumb.

"I lied to my mom. And then she kind of told everybody's parents. And then somehow everyone in our school found out," Devi explained.

"Can't you still try and get in?" Ben asked.

Devi sniffled a bit. "Yeah. But I have to send them another essay, and they said they'll consider it. But it's a very slim chance they'll even consider me."

"You're going to write the essay, right Devi?"

She shrugged. "I don't see why I should. It's not really worth it."

"Please, Devi. Do it for me. I know you'll get in."

This suddenly felt a bit personal; like something Ben and Devi should be discussing alone.

Devi nodded. "Maybe."

Ben looked back at Ethan, Paxton, and I. "Is everyone good?"

"Yes," I said.

"No," the other boys responded at the same time.

The limo came to a sudden stop, which was at my house. "I've got to go. Thanks for the ride, Ben," I said with a smile.

I gave Ethan a quick kiss, to Paxton's disgust.

"Bye baby," I whispered, then exiting the limo.

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