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I quickly noticed that they weren't dancing very close together. They were dancing very casually, their bodies not even touching.

I was still furious, and I stormed over to them. "You moved on quick, Ethan," I snapped.

Ethan looked at the girl and then back at me. "She's my cousin."

I froze, trying to figure out if he was lying or not. If he was being serious, I felt extremely stupid. But I don't remember Ethan ever having a cousin in our class.

"She was in town, so I asked her to go with me," Ethan added.

I looked at the girl and compared her to Ethan. They did look pretty similar.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I'm gonna go-"

I really wanted to yell at Ethan more, and beg him to return my texts. But I had already embarrassed myself enough.

"Don't go," he said.

His cousin gave us some space, and Ethan and I stood alone, facing each other. I was nervous. I hadn't talked to him in a month.

"What do you want?"

Ethan frowned, and looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Ethan, don't do this to me. I've been trying to reach out to you for so long, but you've just ignored me."

He sighed. "I'm sorry, y/n. I just didn't think you would want to be with me after all the things I've done in the past few months."

I kind of understood what he was saying. Our relationship had gone to chaos a lot recently.

"I've missed you so much."

"I'm here now, sweetheart." Ethan tucked a strand of hair behind my ears.

"Can we try again?" I whispered.

"Yeah. Yeah, we can."

Our lips touched, and I sunk into the familiarness. I really missed this. My hands wrapped around him and his hands lingered on my body.

After a few moments, I smiled at him. "I'm glad I went to this party."

"Me too."

"Uh, y/n-" That voice wasn't Ethan's.

Devi, Eleanor, and Fab were standing right behind us.

"Hi," I said awkwardly, Ethan beside me.

Ethan's cousin must of went elsewhere, because she was nowhere in sight anymore.

"I thought you guys broke up," Devi pointed out.

What a way to ruin the mood. But it wasn't Devi's fault; she didn't know. We were together once again.

"Not anymore," Ethan said with a smirk.

"Oh my god, you guys totally have to go a double date with Trent and I!" Eleanor squealed.

We both laughed, knowing how interesting that would go. Trent wasn't the brightest, but he was fun to be around.

"y/n," Fab tried to warn me.

But it was too late, Paxton had already approached our group conversation. I gasped, thinking that he already left for college.

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