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The last week of High School is supposed to be fun.

But nothing about it was.

It was the last week of school, and I was gloomily walking through the halls, not daring to look at anyone in case it was Ethan.

I hated him right now. I told myself that, but I knew that deep down my feelings for him were still very real.

I looked up when I saw Devi gasping at her phone. "I got in, I got in!"

She was squealing, and I immediately rushed over to her. "I got into Princeton! For real this time..."

Clearly, Ben had heard too. I backed up a bit to give them some space. Ben hugged her at first, but then decided to risk it all. His lips touched hers. Devi was surprised, but kissed back.

"You're amazing, Devi," he whispered.

I smiled at their affection for each other, but my smile quickly faded, realizing that I may never have that again. Ethan wasn't mine anymore. Maybe I was being dramatic, but I already missed him.

"I knew you could do it, Devi," I added.

Ben frowned. "Not to ruin the mood, but... I'm going to New York for at least the whole summer for an internship at a law firm."

Devi froze. "So, I won't see you at all?"

He shook his head.

"I'll give you guys some space," I decided, walking off to my next class. Unfortunately for me, this was one I shared with Ethan.

We were back at square one again. Hating each other and not talking.

I awkwardly sat in my next to his. Both of us avoided eye contact for the better. Almost everyone around us seemed to notice our hostility, including Eleanor.

"What happened?" Eleanor whispered, eyeing Ethan.

"He broke up with me," I whispered back.

Eleanor visibly gasped, grabbing the class and teacher's attention. I flushed in embarrassment, even feeling Ethan's eyes on me.

"Anything you want to share with the class?" Our teacher asked.

"I mean not really. Some people are just really bad boyfriends, that's all," Eleanor answered for me.

I appreciated Eleanor's defense, but I didn't want her to say anything like that in front of my classmates, especially Ethan.

The teacher, who was visibly concerned, went back to her lesson. Eleanor giggled a bit, and I just rested my head on my desk.

Now Ethan's eyes were on me. And I never felt them leave since that moment. Eleanor may have just made things worse or better for me, and Ethan and I's relationship.

The whole class was a dread.


Two days had passed, meaning that we didn't have long left at Sherman Oaks High. Ethan still hadn't talked to me.

But I assumed he was planning on it, because in a free period he was standing across the room, simply just staring at me.

He wasn't with any of his Hot Pocket friends either. I tried to pretend like I couldn't see him at all.

It didn't work, because he came walking towards me.



"Do you really want to know why I broke up with you?" he whispered.

We were so close that our lips could touch at any moment. For the first time, I felt uncomfortable being this close to him. He couldn't stop torturing me with the idea of us never being together again.

"Sure. I'm sure it's no good excuse," I snapped.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

I didn't respond.

"Paxton threatened me before he left for his old college."

"He did what? And what do you mean?"

Ethan smirked a bit. "He didn't tell you? He's going back to college to become a real teacher, not just a swim coach."

That's why Paxton had been missing from school. "He's already gone?"

"Well, no. But he's not at Sherman Oaks anymore."

"Why did you listen to him?" I said, still hurt.

"I didn't want him to hurt you or anyone."

I crossed my arms, amused at the way Ethan thought I couldn't handle myself. Paxton could be a bit pushy, but he wasn't the type to hurt anybody.

"Ethan, I'm so done."

I walked off, him calling my name.


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