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I sat on concrete steps outside of the school, crying. I didn't think taking to Paxton would hurt Ethan that much. And he had just left me just like that.

Our relationship was finally beginning to make sense. We were official, and everything was going great. But it had to be ruined by Ethan's dumb jealousy.

"y/n, you alright?"

It was Paxton, who was probably just leaving the school since his shift just ended. I didn't want to see him right now, since he was the cause of everything after all.

"I'm fine," I sniffled.

He sat down on the step next to me. "What happened?"

"Ethan was the one who gave my car a flat tire, and he completely just flipped out on me for talking to you and left me."

"He doesn't deserve you," Paxton mumbled.

I could barely hear what he had said to me. "What?"

"He just doesn't deserve you!" Paxton repeated, but this time louder. His fists were clenched together.

I could tell that he was angry, not just based off of his tone, but also because of the way he was pacing back and forth.

Paxton was so sweet defending me like that, but it left me to consider Ethan's feelings. Did Paxton actually like me? If he did I wouldn't be sure how to feel about it.

"But I love him, Paxton."

I saw his face drop.

"You shouldn't. He's nothing but trouble. He'd wreck your future anyway."

Maybe Paxton was right. He has done some pretty messed up things ever since I've met him. How was I supposed to face him in class tomorrow?

How would I look at him without getting butterflies?

Paxton gave me a small hug. "I've got to get going. But think about what I said, ok?"

"Ok. Thank you."

Paxton left and I was alone once again. I headed to my car, knowing that my parents would probably be concerned with the fact that I wasn't already home.

I considered calling Ethan, I really did. But when we made up, if we did, I wanted it to be in person. Face to face.

I really just wanted to forget about all of this and kiss him.

Later on in the night, I was sprawled across my bed, almost falling asleep. I was awoken from my thoughts when Paxton texted me asking what I was doing.

I responded quickly and we texted back and forth rather calmly and happily. I felt so relaxed when I was talking to him. But when I was with Ethan, I felt like I needed to be cool and perfect just for him.

Maybe what Ethan did was for the best.

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