puzzle piece

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Two days go by and I'm training alone instead of with Bishop. I'm sure they'll try us together again sometime in the future, but I'm just fine with not seeing her after the other day.

As I hit the bag over and over again, my mind wanders. It often wanders towards what happened. 2 years, 10 months, and 12 days since it happened. It feels like just yesterday. It also feels a million years away.

The wound still fresh, the memories distant.

The more I think about it, the harder I hit the bag. 




The chain holding the bag finally gives, the bag flying across the room.


It hits the ground about 15 feet in front of me.

"Not too bad, Kraft."

I turn my head to see Wanda standing a few feet behind me. I didn't even hear her walk up to me.

"I didn't mean to..." I say apologetically.

"Even if you did it's fine." Wanda shrugged, "Stark's a goddamn billionaire. I'd be surprised if he noticed."

"Oh ok." I say still shifting from my mind to the real world.

"You all good?" She said skeptically.

This snaps me out of my trance, "Oh yeah fine, just tired that's all."

"If you say so. Anyways meeting downstairs. Stark requested everyone."

"For what?"

"You'll see. Be down in ten or feel Tony's wrath."

I gave her a thumbs up and turned to pick up the punching bag. Wanda left the room and after setting the bag to the side I followed suit. I changed and made my way to the meeting room. I only made one wrong turn on the way. Even though I've been in the tower more than a week, it's still ginormous and complex.

When I walk in the only people I see are Wanda and Stark. Guess I'm early. I pick a seat near the back and sit down. A minute or so goes by and people start filing in. To my surprise two new men follow Steve into the room. After taking a closer look I realize it is none other than the Falcon and Winter Solider. I look around the room for other's reactions, but none of them even bat an eye. 

After another two minutes only one person is missing. Kate. I haven't seen her since the argument. It could just be her habit of being late that Barton warned me of. Although I'm honestly not sure she's even in the tower.

Seeing how the only open seat is right next to me I'm hoping for the latter.

Just as Stark goes to shut the door, Bishop slips in. She scans the room. Her eyes fall upon the empty seat and then me. She freezes as we make eye contact, muttering something under her breath.

"Would you like to take a seat Ms. Bishop?" Stark says snapping her back to reality.

"Oh, yes. Of course." She walks, head down, towards me.

Stark begins talking about some Hydra person? Or no, it's a group. Yes, definitely a group. He mentions a mission. This might be it. My big first appearance as an Avenger. 

I feel a small tap on my arm, slightly turning my head to see who it came from. Unsurprisingly it came from Bishop, because of course her dumbass chooses the worst possible time to talk.

"Are you still mad?" She whispers near my ear. I can feel her hot breath on my neck. It catches me by surprise and I shiver a small bit. That was just a cold shiver, unrelated, I'm sure... maybe.

I collect myself, "Depends. Do you plan on pulling a stunt like that again?"

"No, never."

"Then I'm only slightly agitated."

"I'll take it." She says satisfied.

I turn my attention back to Stark. He's pointing to a map, showing an attack strategy. Pointing out weak points and critical structural areas. He calls Wanda up and she starts going over the inner workings of this place. When Stark takes back the speaking role he says something that grabs my full attention.

"Everyone will be going on this mission, we will need all the help we can get. Except for our new recruit Emmelyn, she'll be staying back on the jet." He says clapping his hands, "Well, we leave tomorrow at 9:00 pm."

Everyone began leaving the room. I stayed. I needed to talk to Stark.

"Why aren't I helping? You said you needed all the help you could get." I say.

"I want to give you time to settle in."

"I'm plenty settled." I counter.

"I just want to make sure you're on the same page as the rest of us." He says, packing his things.

"Stark you need help. I'm help." I could feel myself getting angrier, "You chose me for a reason and now you don't want me. I don't get it."

"I want you to fight for us yes, but I need you to fit in with us first. Be one of us."

"What you think I'm messed up or something? Damaged goods?"

"That's not what I meant Emmelyn." He paused for a moment, "I just want you to be comfortable working with a team. You've been fighting on your own for what six years now?"


"Regardless you need to see how we work first. Then you find your place to fit in. You're a puzzle piece Emmelyn, we all are. When everyone knows their role, we can complete the puzzle. Do you think you are a piece to our puzzle?" He questioned.

"Yes. I do." I say, confidently.

"Then I'll see you at 9:00." He said heading for the door.

I stood in the room thinking for a minute. I don't know if I am a puzzle piece. I might just be a puzzle of my own.

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