what do you think about emmelyn

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Kate's POV

"Bye." I say as Clint and I wave goodbye to Nat.

"I've got a question for you. And you literally can't run away from this one since you're bed bound."

"I'm scared, but go on." I giggled.

"What do you think about Emmelyn?" He asked. I could feel myself blushing.

"I don't like her. I hate her even. She's annoying and difficult to be around. For some reason she decided I hate her." I spoke quickly.

"Did you not just say you hated her...?" Clint squinted his eyes.

"Well I hate her, because she decided that I hate her." I say crossing my arms.

"So you're just letting her decide how you feel."

"That's not what I said." I snapped back.

"No, I'm pretty sure it is." Clint says dragging his 'no' out.

"Why are you asking this anyways? Did someone put you up to this?"

"Ok, you got me." He says putting his hands up, "It was Nat. She wanted to know."

"I don't like you now. I'm going back to my show now, goodbye Clint."

"Ok you do that." He laughed.

(a/n sorry this is just complete dialogue. I wanted to keep it short as possible)

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