what did I ever do to you

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I hesitantly turn towards the voice. And there she is. Isabel.

She runs over, hugging me. "Oh my god Em, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in so long."

"I'm an... intern... here. Yeah I'm an intern for Stark industries." I reply, making up a lie on the spot. I really should've prepared something better.

"And what would that entail?" She asks.

"Ah, just paperwork stuff. It's boring I don't think you'd want to hear about it."

"Well, you never bored me back in school." She touches my arm.

"That was a long time ago Iz." I try turning down her advance.

"Oh so you're saying you lost your touch?" She says, flirtatiously.

"Now I didn't say that."

She moves closer, her hand brushing mine.

"What's brought you here?" I ask.

Before she can answer, Kate interrupts. I'm not sure who I would rather suffer through talking to; Kate or Isabel.

"Who's this Emmelyn?" Kate fake smiles.

"I'm Isabel. Emmy and I go way back. She tutored me in high school." Isabel replies for me. She places her hand on my waist, causing me to flinch. Kate inhales sharply when she sees.

"Wow, isn't that great." Kate says through her teeth. "This little reunion is just awesome then."

"Iz, why don't you and I grab a drink." I say.

"I think I'm ok here, darling." Her hand slipping across my back, stopping on the other side of my waist. It sends a shiver down my spine. "I want to learn more about your friend."

When the word 'darling' leaves Isabel's mouth, Kate looks ready to murder her. I can feel myself blushing slightly, except I'm not sure who I'm blushing for.

"So, what's your name?" Iz asks Kate.

"Kate Bishop. I'm a member of the Avengers." Kate says, crossing her arms.

"Is that so? Well, I'm glad Emmy seems to have found good company, although it's nothing compared to what she had back then. Right Emmelyn?" She says, making piercing eye contact with me.

My eyes wander to Kate, looking her up and down, "Still figuring that one out."

"I bet you'll know by the end of the night." Isabel says, batting her eyes at me.

I have to admit she only got hotter from the last time I saw her. Her bright green eyes and olive skin could persuade almost anyone.

"Yeah, I'll make sure she does." Kate cocks her head at Isabel. "I actually need to borrow her for a moment."

"Of course." Iz complies. Before letting go she pulls me even closer, whispering into my ear, "Got time for a tutoring session after?"

"I'll have to take a look at my schedule." I say back.

After giving Isabel one last death glare, Kate begins walking and I follow. She continues walking, much farther than I expected. We finally stop when we get to a secluded hallway. She still looks pissed and pissed still looks good on her.

"Tutoring? Emmy? Darling!?"  Kate practically yells at me.

"Oh so you're jealous now?"

"What, no! I'm not jealous." A red color creeping onto her cheeks. "I just don't believe for a second that you 'tutored' her."

"I never said what I tutored her in." I say fighting back a smirk.

"So you two actually have a history then?"

"You could call it that."

"Why her? She seems annoying and bossy and probably drives a shitty sedan and she's just not right for you." Kate protests.

"Since when do you care?"

"I'm just pointing out the obvious."

"I can't with you anymore. You're so hot and cold." I roll my eyes.

"I'm hot and cold!? What about you!" She yells.

"Kate you're the one who hated me first! I was nice to you that first night and you weren't having it. I was so confused and worried. So tell me Kate. What did I ever do to you?" I snap.

She stands there for a moment, her face now beet red. Her mouth opens, but no words come out.

"No, tell me. What the hell did I do that made you hate me? Was it how I pronounced the word hi? Was it the shirt I was wearing? Was it my shoes?" I raise my voice again.

"I didn't mean to make you hate me! I was in a bad mood that night alright?" She yells back.

"No you weren't! I saw you laughing right before I walked over!" I continue to yell. "And what about the next morning huh? You were a bitch to me then too!"

"I'm sorry ok!? Is that what you want to hear?" She steps closer.

"That's a pretty weak apology, Bishop."


She takes a quick step towards me, closing the gap between us. Her right hand finds my face, her left making its way to my waist. She pushes herself up against me, making me stumble into the wall behind me. Before I know it her lips are on mine. They're soft and so are her hands. She tastes like candy. For some reason I don't fight it. It feels almost right. I kiss her back, but she pulls away.

"Is that a better apology?" She says softly.

"I'll take it." I answer.

This time I kiss her. My hands go to the nape of her neck, one moving into her hair. She runs her hand down to the other side of my waist, firmly pinning me. She kisses me hard and I reciprocate.

She bites my lip just slightly. It pinches, but it's the best pinch of my life. Her lips leave mine as they move towards my neck. She starts just below me ear, slowly making her way down to my collar bone.

"We shouldn't do this." I say.

"Tell me to stop."

"I can't." I say out of breath. "But Kate we're in a hallway."

"So you do want me to stop?"

"No, please no." The words rush out, before I can think.

"That's what I thought." She replies smugly, continuing.

I slip away from her, grabbing the tie of her all black suit. I lead her to a closet, pulling her in with me. She looks me up and down smiling, before grabbing my waist again. I feel the wall make contact with my back and we start again.

When we step out, her hair is quite disheveled and I'm sure mine is too. She fixes her tie and attempts to flatten out her suit.

"You make me crazy, Emmelyn." Kate says, looking forward.

"What kind of crazy?" I ask.

"The good kind." She responds, walking away.

What did I ever do to you?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz