Chapter 10

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Ivan just left the basement after we talked for a while, most of it about Dimitri.
Even though it would seem Dimitri doesn't like him, I can tell Ivan loves his cousin very much.

I am no longer tied or chained up, the place on my wrist where the chain was before is now red, bruised and it kind of hurts.

My arm too still hurts, even though it's covered in bandage, I still feel the pain of it.
I look and feel frail, I know I've lost a lot of blood, coupled with the fact that I'm barely fed here.

I still feel very dirty and disgusting, my cloth smells of blood, my blood
The whole basement reeks of blood, I don't need a soothsayer to know what they use the basement for, the walls are covered in dried blood.

I'm still basking in thoughts when I start hearing footsteps outside, I brace myself because I know it's not Ivan, it's either Vissarion or..... Dimitri.

The metal doors open up and like I suspected, it's Dimitri, he looks very pissed, his eyes shoot to mine and I gulp and cower a bit.

Behind him is Vissarion and another man, he looks to be younger than Both Dimitri and Vissarion, probably the same age as Ivan.
He has a laptop with him.

He has dark blonde hair, he has a glass sitting at top his nose, he's not as tall as Dimitri or Vissarion. he has this boyish look.

My eyes move from him back to Dimitri and he has a murderous look on his face, what did I do this time.

He walks towards me and stop a few step in front of me before inspecting my face, his eyes stop on my arm covered in bandage and he growls lowly, before latching his hands on it and ripping it off completely.

The skin is exposed to the cold air as I feel every breeze touch it, I gasp loudly.
Before I can react he grips both my hands in his and reaches behind him, I'm still wondering what he's doing before I feel cold metal on my hand and a click sound.

I look down to see that he handcuffed me, just great more bruises on my wrists.

"I don't want to take any chances with you" he mutters lowly, making me wonder what he's up to now.

"Now turn around" he adds, I don't argue I just turn like he instructed, I'm now facing the table, the one with so many torture weapons with my hands handcuffed.

"Kneel" he grits out, I'm tempted to turn and ask him why, but I'm not sure that's such a good idea but it's too late because my mouth just moved on their own.

"Why"? I barely even recognize my voice as I make to turn and look at him but he grips my shoulder and turns me back so facing the table.

"Don't test me ПРИНЦЕССА" he mutters "now kneel" he repeats and this time I actually obey without complaining, I kneel on both kneels facing the table.

"Do it" he voices out making me wonder if they want to kill me execution style because I don't understand what all this is about.

The new guy quickly comes in front of me and drops the laptop on the table before opening it and I hear tapping sound before he moves away from the laptop.

At first the screen is black
"Are you going to kill me"? I voice out looking behind me at all three of them and Dimitri just glares hard at me before gripping my shoulder

"Shut up" he snaps making me face the laptop screen again, the whole room is silent save for my hard breathing.

And just like that the screen of the laptop lights up, a video appears on the screen, no not a video, a video call.
We're on a video call of some sort, there are men on the screen, their mumuring die down the moment we come on screen and all their attention shifts to us.

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