Chapter 41

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She needed comfort, any form of comfort at all.
That was how she found herself in the basement, hugging Ivan and letting droplets of tears stain his already bloodied shirt.

"Cora, are you sure you're okay"? He asked his voice laced with concern, he'd never seen her like this, not since the night Dimitri touched her, he wondered what might have gotten her to be like this

She sniffled before snuggling even closer to him
"Just let me stay like this, a little bit longer" she muffled over his shoulder and he just hummed

After her little outburst with Dimitri, she just needed something to assure her that everything will be fine, but deep down she knew things will never be the same again.

Not when she was carrying Dimitri's child inside of her.
A child he didn't even know of

She still hadn't told Ivan of his cousin's arrival here, or that they were working together to save him.

She let go of him and looked at his face, the bruises were still there, they had turned a dark shade purple, his lip still looked busted but overall, he looked better than he did a few weeks ago

"What happened"? He whispered looking at her, she just shrugged before letting her shoulders slump

"Nothing, I just really needed that" she voiced out playing with her fingers

He sighed out, he didn't want to talk about it, not while he was still locked up here
Yes he wanted them to address the elephant in the room, but he wanted it to be under different circumstances

But he had no choice but to ask her the question that has been plaguing his mind
Sooner or later, they needed to get it out of the way

"Is this about the pregnancy"? He asked gently making her look at him, her eyes held uncertainty and sadness

He wanted to assure her that everything was gonna be fine, but how will he do that when he himself isn't sure it will be

"I'm scared" she voices out, her voice nothing but a whisper, she really was scared.
"I don't know what to do" she voiced out her fears

"Hey, Cora, it's going to be fine, we'll get through this, I don't know how but I know we'll get through this, you don't have to be scared, you're not alone" he tried to reassure her, or more like reassure himself that indeed everything was going to be fine

She sniffled and nodded her head
He was right, she wasn't alone, she had him.
Screw Dimitri, screw Cara, screw Enzo
She had Ivan in her corner and that's all that mattered.


It's been days since they last saw each other, since her outburst at his in house gym.
And now everything was awkward, not that it was any rosy before, but at least they both weren't so tensed around each other.

But now, the air was humid, the tension in the air could be cut by a knife.
Dimitri was trying so hard not to look at her but he was finding it hard because she was sitting directly in front of him.

There was a lot of things about her that he was seeing now that he never noticed in the six months she was with him.

The fact that she couldn't hide her nervousness, the way she always let her hair down, the way her eyes was always darting around the room.

"Can you stop staring at me like that, you're making me uncomfortable" her voice cut through the silence of the room, she wasn't looking at him but she didn't need to, before she'd know he was staring at her

Untamed (A mafia story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα