Chapter 32

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The hall was packed with people, most of them knew of the underworld, the few that didn't, moved around oblivious of their immediate environment.

He stood tall in the middle of the hall, every Italian made man here were afraid of him, he knew it because he could literally smell their fear and he loved it.
He thrived on it.

He adjusted his suit, standing beside him was Viss, Sasha was in the car.
A lot of them here were ready to kiss his ass.

But his interest was only on one person tonight and he hadn't seen him yet.
He was very sure Enzo would attend the event but it's been well over an hour and he hadn't shown up.

Dimitri was beginning to think he wouldn't show up until he heard his voice, filled with mockery and contempt.

"If it isn't the Russian King" he mocked from behind before walking in front to look at him "I thought you never left your throne? I wonder what chased you out of your palace" his voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Dimitri clenched his jaw tight, he was filled with so much rage, if not for the 100+ people that filled this hall, he'd have snapped Enzo's neck within seconds

That was until his eyes landed on the figure standing next to Enzo, his lips parted slightly and he was shocked and surprised before he quickly composed himself.

His eyes move back to Enzo
"De Luca" he grits out

"I see you're not chatty tonight, what happened? Did you lose something"? He taunts with a smirk on his lips.

Dimitri grounded his teeth, he knew Enzo was only trying to bait him, he was trying to rile him up and get under his skin

"You don't wanna play this game with me Enzo" he gritted his eyes occasionally moving to the woman standing by his side

The striking resemblance was still a shock to him, but he could see the fearlessness in her eyes, she didn't look innocent, neither did she look frightened.

This was who he was supposed to have in his basement six months ago.
This was Cara De Luca.

He felt a pang in his chest
Another reality that he'd done something terrible.
Looking at her now, he could actually see the difference between them.

There was no hint of fear in her eyes, she carried herself with this strange aura, one that turned heads.

"Oh you started this game, it's only fair if I end it Volkov" Enzo muttered dangerously low glaring at him.
"I'm gonna chop your little cousin into pieces and send him to you in a box, you never should have crossed me" he muttered

He clenched his jaw tight, he's not one to falter at threats, he knew Enzo was only throwing threats around, he's not like Fabio, that's why no one really feared him, the only reason he was given the Capo was because he was a skilled assassin.

From their conversation, he knew Cora hadn't said anything to them, apart from the videos he'd sent of him torturing her, they don't know what else he did.

Which meant they don't know he raped her, and he intended to keep it that way, if he wanted his cousin alive

"Touch a single hair on his head De Luca, I dare you, and not only will I take her hostage, but I'll make you watch as I do horrible things to her" he grit out word for word, his stare matching Enzo's, he knows better than to mess with him.

"You're not in the position to throw threats Volkov" her voice cuts through the tension, she sounds nothing like Cora.

She's not meek, and her voice is not low.
It's loud and intimidating
Another proof she fears nothing

Cora wouldn't have spoken up to him like that, she'd have recoiled back into her shell, or try to hide behind Enzo, but not this one.
She has a mind and a mouth of her own

His gaze cuts to her as he narrows his eyes at her, Enzo's grip on her waist tightens.
She still doesn't look afraid of him but Enzo knows better.

"I want my cousin in one piece when I come for him, it's not a threat De Luca, it's an advice" he mutter out looking intently at her, his gaze not shifting, before he stands straight and walk out of the hall with Viss trailing right behind him.

Cara was trying so hard to put up a brave front but she was scared shitless, no one has ever scared her like this, not even Fabio.

This guy literally made all the hair on her neck to stand up, she could feel the goosebumps on her arms, and she knew it wasn't because of cold.

He is as ruthless and emotionless as they say, she'd never met him before, only saw videos of him and pictures.

But meeting him face to face, she understood now, why her sister seemed pretty shaken when they just got her back.

This man was basically devil in Armani
He oozed control, recklessness and ruthlessness.

He's not one to be messed with
She saw the look of shock In his eyes when he saw her, for a moment she thought he knew that there were two of them but she quickly shook that thought off

There's no way he'd know, they look exactly alike, herself and Cora.
He wouldn't even be able to guess it even if he wanted to.

She watched his back as he exited the hall.
This man threatened everything she stood for.


It's been a week since she'd told Ivan about her pregnancy, a week since she hadn't seen him again.

She hasn't had the balls to go back down there and face him.
She was afraid of the rejection she'd find in his eyes, the disdain and disappointment.

But that didn't stop her from trying to get Cara to let him go
As much as he's related to Dimitri, he's very innocent.

He did nothing to her, the one who should be there is Dimitri and she couldn't even find it in her to believe he deserved to be there either.

She was sitting in the kitchen munching on a few peanuts when she heard rushed footsteps down the stairs.

She didn't really pay much attention to it, but the footsteps was sounding closer to her until the person rushed into the kitchen.

It was Cara and she had this look of shock, sadness and bitterness in her eyes.

But there was something else
In her hand, her eyes widened upon realising what it was

Holy cow

What did you think Cara has in her hand??

Do you think Dimitri will get Ivan back??

It's getting exciting guys 😁😁

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