Chapter 49

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I was exhausted, tired and frustrated and I wasn't the only one
Dimitri too

Let's just say our journey to the location on the maps, was actually fruitless
We didn't find anything, except for the fact that it's an abandoned warehouse.

So much for finding a lead
We were currently driving home
Well Dimitri offered to drop me at home before going over to his.

"If the place is abandoned, why mark it on the map in the first place" I mutter out

Dimitri doesn't say anything, he hasn't said much since we left the warehouse, he's been in some kind of thinking mode.

He rests his one hand on his chin, slightly rubbing it

"Do you think Enzo knows you're working with me"? He finally speaks making me look at him

"I doubt it" I tell him

"It's very likely for them to suspect you, you're not always home, which I'm guessing is new for you" he says making me think

He's actually right, before I met him, I never went out of the mansion
Not even when Cara would beg me to go shopping with her, but now, I spend half the time outside the mansion and no one knows where I am.

"But I don't think they notice" I voice out making him look at me "they don't even care these days, they're always off doing God knows what, they hardly ever notice I'm home, because they're not home either" I tell him

"We still need to be careful, I don't want you to put yourself at risk" he says making me look at him.

"Are you worried about me Volkov" I tease biting back the smile on my face

"Don't get ahead of yourself принцесса" he muttered making me scrunch my nose at the name he always calls me

I hate it, well mostly because I don't know what it means, and secondly because that was what he used to call me when he just took me

"What does it mean"? I ask and he gives me a quick glance before focusing on the road

"What"? He asks feigning ignorance

"That name you always call me, what does it mean"?

He stops the car and I hear the clicking of the doors

"We're here" he announces obviously avoiding the question

"Tell me what it means" I whine and he faces me looking straight into my eyes

"You should go inside before someone sees you принцесса" he says I can see him trying to hide his smirk, he's taunting me purposely

"Tell me Dimitri" I press further

"Why do you want to know"? He asks

"Because I hate that you're calling me something I don't know it's meaning, you might be insulting me and I'd never know" I mutter

"And why would I want to insult you, that too in Russia"? He asks cocking a brow at me

"I dunno, you do a lot of things that I never understand, this might be one of them" I murmur and he breathes out.

"Go home принцесса, I'll tell you what it means, just not today" he says before facing ahead

I just sigh out before opening the car and going outside
I walk towards the house, I know he's watching me

He always does that whenever he drops me off, he waits till I'm inside before he drives off

Sometimes I wish we didn't meet the way we did.
Maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't have to hate him like I do.
Or so I thought


"You're approximately two months pregnant" the doctor announced after taking my blood a few minutes ago for tests

I look over to where Dimitri was standing and I couldn't decipher what his reaction was, because just like always he looks very neutral.
I wonder what he's thinking about.

"You should take lots of water and avoid anything that stresses you, either physically, emotionally or mentally" the doctor explained making me look back at him.

"Early stages are usually the scary stages, slight mistakes can harm the baby, so I suggest you take care of yourself more for the sake of the child" he says making me nod at him

"I'm gonna prescribe some vitamins for you, the nurse at the front desk will attend to you" he says scribbling something on a piece of paper before handing it to me.

I tell him thank you and we both walk out,
We head to the front desk and as the doctor stated, the nurse gave me the required drugs and Dimitri and I were on our way back.

He hasn't said anything, not since we got to the hospital, infact not since I seen him today

He starts the car and drives out of the hospital, I know he's driving me to his place but I don't think I want to be around a very quiet Dimitri right now

"Take me home" I whisper and he just looks at me for a while before breathing out

The drive is silent, I kept looking out the window and watching everything pass by in a blur

My mind has gone really far, I should be angry, or sad but I'm not.
For the first time since I found out I'm pregnant, I'm not sad, I'm not angry or hurt.
I move my hand towards my stomach and gently rub it, I feel a sense of protection sweep in and overwhelm me.

My own growing child inside of me
A life I created, well partly
I feel a smile creep onto my face

I don't even know we're home until he stops the car and I look ahead and see Enzo's mansion.

I unlatch my seatbelt ready to go out but his voice stops me

"Do you wanna keep it"? He barely whispers and I look at him

Does he think I don't want the child?
Is that why he's been quiet all through?

"Yes, yes I wanna keep it, don't you"? I retort and he looks at me, his eyes showing every emotion he's feeling, regret, sadness, a bit of joy and relief

"I do, I just thought...." He stops himself "never mind" he mutters out looking away from me

"You just thought I'd hate you to the point that I'd hate the child too"? I ask him putting out his thoughts and he looks at me again before looking away

"As much as I hate you Dimitri, I don't hate you to that point, and I realized today that there is one good thing that came out of us meeting and it's this child, and I don't care what happened for it to come to be, but I will protect him/her with my life if need be" I tell him

Okay okay guysss
I've been really sick
Been in the hospital for days, just got back

Not fully okay but I just thought my readers might want something 😁😁

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