prayers: two

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"sarah, you shouldn't be standing." john b said concerned as we walked behind the doctor's house, trying to remain unseen by anyone. sarah argued back with john b and he laid off on her a little.

i followed closely behind as we stopped at a corner. sirens were everywhere, with police asking people questions, and them pointing into which direction we went. i sighed to myself and pinched my nose. "great." i mumbled to myself.

the doctor looked at all three of us with his eyebrows raised. "you guys got a little heat on you, don't ya?" he asked. john b nodded as he looked around the corner again. "i've been there, done that. but i got an idea." we all turned our heads towards him as he motioned his hand. he led us to an alleyway with a blue car and handed john b the keys. "friend of the devil, is a friend of mine."

i furrowed my brows and looked to sarah who shrugged. "thanks, doc." john b smiled a little bit. sarah grabbed the keys from john b and limped to the passenger side. "okay, alright."

i hopped into the backseat as john b asked the doctor questions about sarah and where we should leave the car, if it wasn't destroyed. i leaned back in my seat and sighed, looking at sarah through the rear view mirror. "you feel okay, s?" i asked.

sarah nodded. "never better, spency." she chuckled as i laughed a little.

john b hopped in the drivers side and started the car. "you sure we can take this?" john b asked.

the doc nodded through the window on sarah's side of the car. "you overpaid for the medical." he replied with a smile. "so have a nice trip."

i leaned over the front and smiled. "thank you so much for helping us." i said kindly. he nodded as we started to drive off. i furrowed my brows and i looked to john b. "so, how did you pay for medical apparently?"

he took a deep breath and hesitated before answering my question. "t-he gold." he said quietly as sarah stifled a laugh.

i threw my hands up in the air, leaning in the middle of the front. "so i was the one throwing away money, huh?" i joked, nudging his arm.

"i paid to save your sisters life." he retorted. "you're welcome."

i nodded and leaned back in my seat, pursing my lips. "yeah, that's fair." i mumbled to myself.

we kept driving to the dock, towards terrance and cleo, but john b stopped the car for some reason as i leaned up and looked out the front window. "shit. cops." john b groaned as cops blocked off the road ahead. "should i peel?"

sarah shook her head quickly. "no." she answered. "play dumb."

i slowly leaned downwards towards the floor, trying to hide myself from being noticed. john b pulled up to the officer as he stopped. "road's closed." the officer told him.

john b waved his hand and looked up. "what's happening?" he asked with slight shakiness to his voice.

i mentally slapped him in the face. could he be anymore obvious? "robbery." the officer replied. "there was a shootout. now move along."

he asked another question but the officer dismissed it by walking away. i groaned and pulled myself up, looking around. i noticed them carrying big square buckets as i realized. "john b." i mumbled as he turned to face me. i motioned my head towards the officers loading up a truck. "we lost the gold." my voice cracked slightly.

sarah squinted her eyes as she noticed an officer looking at his phone, and looking right up at us. "go, go, go, go." sarah motioned quickly.

john b quickly turned the steering wheel and pressed on the gas, making me fling in the backseat. i got up and looked out the back window. i gasped as i saw the officers following closely behind. "go, john b!" i shouted.

he sputtered as he stepped more on the gas. "i'm going!" he yelled back.

i heard more sirens behind us has he took a hard left, slamming me into the window. i groaned and sat back up. he swerved a little, sending me back and forth. i looked up to see a crowd of people. "john b! look out!" me and sarah both shouted.

he yelled as he swerved the car more trying to avoid hitting anyone, taking another hard left, into an empty street. "did they follow us?" he asked me.

i looked out to see they went the other direction as i sighed in relief. "no, they went the other way." i responded, flopping down in the middle seat. i looked up for one second and a person flung over our car.

i gasped and covered my mouth as sarah looked to john b with a shocked look. "you just hit a person." she said. john b hesitated and sarah spoke again. "go help them!"

i saw him come to the backseat and open the door. someone sat beside me as i gasped i shock. "cleo!" i said happily as she smiled at me.

sarah turned around and saw cleo and she looked to sarah. "aye, you make it through, girl?" she asked.

sarah looked stunned. "are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

cleo chuckled and looked between me and her as john b got back into the car. "just a scrape, you know?" she said as i dragged my hand to my mouth, covering it. "i went up and over. been through worse. we should get outta here, now."

john b nodded as he drove away, avoiding all cops. "what happened back there?" he asked cleo, looking at her and the road. "we went to playboy, and that place was hot! cops were everywhere."

cleo panted like she was out of breath, looking between the three of us and the back window. "we waited for you guys to show up, and the coppers came." she replied as my eyes widened. "they came from every direction and i jumped overboard."

i nodded and closed my eyes to think. "w-well, what about terrance and stubbs?" i asked.

she shrugged and looked to me. "i heard gunshots." she replied to me as sarah audibly gasped and john b looked back to cleo. "i ran. i wanted to shoot it out with them, but it was too many."

i shook my head and turned around and saw cop cars coming hot on our tail. "hey! we got company!" i shouted to john b. "drive faster!"

he yelled something back at me that i couldn't understand as sarah and cleo were also yelling at him. i felt him press on the gas even more, sending us flying down the streets. we made another hard turn and we had somehow escaped, pulling in-between two boats as the sun disappeared fro the sky.

i threw my head back, panting heavily and looked to cleo. she held up her hand with a fist and i did the same with mine. we bumped hand and chuckled to ourselves. "you sure we're good, guys?" he asked me and cleo.

we both nodded as i tried to steady my breathing. where was water when i needed it. "yeah, man." cleo replied to john b. "we'll just wait here until it cools down."

and so we waited.

One of Two // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now