Chapter 6

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   Alex rolled her eyes looking at her through the window. Hailee pulled out her phone refusing to get into the truck. Alex scoffed then opened her door jumping out of the truck and walking over to Hailee's side. "M'lady" Alex said opening her door. Hailee gave her a fake smile while getting into the truck. "Wow never meet your hero's" Alex said while closing the door and going back around to her side of the truck and getting in.

It was a silent drive back to Hailee's house but it almost seemed too quick to even make any conversation. Alex pulled into her driveway coming to a complete stop as Hailee quickly got out heading to her front door. Alex didn't start driving again until she saw that Hailee was inside her house with the door closed. She drove back home still in silence as her eyes were on the blacktop road. She drove past her driveway going towards Tracy's house.

Alex knocked on her door but there was no answer. Alex pulled her phone out of her hoodie pocket and checked the time, 11:30.

She's clearly awake if she texted me earlier.

Alex thought banging on the door again but yet there was still no answer. Alex stood there for a moment longer waiting to see if someone would come open the door but a few minutes went past and still nobody. Alex got back in her truck and shut her door running her hands through her hair angrily. She took a deep breath trying to calm herself as she backed out pulling back onto the road. As Alex was driving she quickly noticed that Henry was outside mowing then it hit her.

Oh crap, I was supposed to go over there today. Well better now than later.

Alex waved to Henry as he stopped his lawn mower and waved back. Alex went back to her house and jumped out of her truck quickly closing the door and locking it heading inside.

I can't just wear something like this over there.

Alex thought going through her closet looking for something to wear. She finally found a white long sleeve shirt that she decided to wear with jeans. She threw it also putting on her white converse that was oddly next to her bed. She slipped them on anyway without another thought and rushed out to her truck driving over to Natalie and Henry's house.

Henry wasn't outside anymore when Alex pulled into the driveway. She got out and quickly headed for the door knocking on it. Natalie opened the door giving Alex a smile. Alex returned the smile,"Please come in." Natalie said moving out of the way as Alex stepped in. She heard the door close behind her then she heard some shuffling coming from the kitchen. Alex tried peeking around the corner to see who it was but she couldn't tell. "Oh who knows what he's doing in there everyone knows he loves his snacks." Natalie said chucking. Alex laughed along with her following her over to the couch. "Oh Alex I almost thought you forgot about today." Henry said walking into the room. "How could I ever forget about a day like this." Alex said smiling at Henry who came and joined them on the couch.

   After some tea and snacks Alex waved goodbye to Natalie and Henry as she walked out the door. She hopped into her truck and took a deep breath and she looked outside as the sun was starting to set. She ran her fingers through her hair as she started her truck and backed out heading back to her house.

   Alex stepped into her house closing the door behind her as she slipped off her shoes but as she was taking them off she noticed something. Alex picked up the shoes and looked at the side of it which was signed by someone, the name read, Griffin with a heart next to it. Alex furrowed her eyebrows looking down at the name not recognizing it. She set the shoe back down next to the other on the shoe mat walking towards her bedroom and over to her computer. Her fingers typed away on her keyboard before she quickly tapped her mouse pulling something up.

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