Chapter 26

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As they drive back to Hailee's house there was a little bit of silence here and there but never enough to make it uncomfortable. They sang a little bit to some songs as they came over that radio or just from aux. But as they pulled up to her house Alex could tell something was off with Hailee.

   "You good?" Alex asked still wanting to check on her. Hailee looked over at her for a moment "Oh yeah I'm all good." "You sure you kinda went quiet there for a moment." Hailee shook her head "No I'm good." "Okay."  Alex not wanting to push it any further if Hailee didn't want to talk about it. Hailee opened her car door. "You can come in if you like." Alex slightly smiled "That's okay I should probably head home though." Hailee once again shook her head. "No please come in." Alex looked at her for a moment before accepting her offer. She turned off my truck also getting out as Alex closed her door behind her. Alex followed Hailee to her front door as she unlocked it.  She walked in feeling a little bit self conscious about being here in the first place. I rubbed the back of my neck as Hailee headed upstairs. I watched her go upstairs as my eyes lingered once again for a moment too long.

She has a boyfriend idiot.

She thought as she shook her head taking her eyes off of Hailee. Alex walked back over to the piano playing small little tunes that she remembered how to play. She heard footsteps coming down the stairs making her look up for a moment seeing Hailee walk down the stairs. Alex stopped playing as she stood up from the piano seat. Hailee smiled at her as she walked over to the kitchen. "You want some food?" Alex walked over to the kitchen leaning against the counter behind her. "Oh trust me I know you're not a good cook." Alex said slightly chuckling. "Hey, maybe I learned how in a few months." Alex looked at her for a moment before quickly breaking eye contact. "Yeah sure." She said getting up from the counter she was leaning against. Alex walked away hearing her light footsteps behind her making me turn around. Alex's sudden turn made Hailee run into her. Alex caught her by wrapping her arms around her waist. "Woah." Hailee said almost falling over. There was a slight moment where they just stood there for a second looking at each other. Alex quickly unwrapped her arms stepping back from Hailee. She cleared her throat as she took a step back. "I can make us something." Alex offered. Hailee looked up at her bypassing the whole moment. "Oh yeah because you're the professional." She teased making Alex slightly smile. "Exactly." She said making her way to the kitchen. She decided to make her dad's pasta. She got out the ingredients and kitchen utilities she needed. She quickly got to work and after a little bit she could feel Hailee's eyes on her. She shivered for a moment feeling self conscious once again. She shook it off as she continued cooking.

   Once Alex was done she put the pasta onto two plates walking over to a table as she set them down. "It's ready." She slightly called out as she saw Hailee look up at her. She got up walking over to the table "This smells delicious." Hailee said looking down at the pasta on the table. "One of my or my dad's specials." Alex said with a small smile as she remembered eating this with him all the time. Alex sat in her chair as she grabbed her fork ready to eat. Hailee sat down next to her grabbing her fork as well taking the first bite. Alex looked over at her waiting for her response. "This is so good." Hailee said taking another bite making Alex chuckle again. "Wow thanks this is my first time ever really making it by myself." Hailee looked up from her plate puzzled. "My dad." Was all Alex said as Hailee chewed her bite before saying something. "I'm so sorry Alex." "Don't be sorry it was in the past there's nothing we can do now." Alex said getting a bite of the pasta. It was just as good as she remembered but the only difference was that a different person made it.

After finishing her food Alex looked at Hailee's plate seeing as it was also empty. The meal was a lot of silence but there was a little bit of conversation here and there. "Want me to take that?" Alex said standing up taking my plate to the sink. "Please." Hailee said in a small voice before picking up her plate and handing it to her. She quickly took it out of Hailee's hands and took it to the sink. Alex washed both of the plates off before setting them back into place. She heard shuffling behind her making her turn around and seeing Hailee standing behind her. Alex slightly cocked her head to the side as she looked at her. "Can" Hailee asked looking down at her shoes. "Sure what's up?" I asked leaning against the counter behind me as I crossed my arms looking at her. "What happened" Hailee asked still never looking her in the eye. "I feel like I should ask you the same thing." Hailee looked up at Alex finally making eye contact as she looked at her puzzled. "Well after I rejected your kiss you completely shut me out. So I left thinking that was for the best." Hailee slightly got closer to her grabbing her hand making Alex uncross her arms. "I never meant to shut you out. And I really didn't want you to leave." Alex nodded her head, "I guess this whole boyfriend thing also threw me through the loop." I said gently grabbing her hand back. "Oh" Hailee said slightly letting her head hang. Alex got up from the table she was leaning on. She put her finger under Hailee's chin picking it up making her look her in the eye. "I didn't mean it like that I'm happy for you." Alex said giving her a small smile. Alex saw Hailee glance down at her lips. Alex wanted to give in so back but she didn't know what the consequences would be. Hailee kept her eyes there as she slightly leaned in.

You know what.....what the heck

Alex thought as she gave in also leaning into Hailee as their lips connected. Hailee's lips felt so soft and gentle against Alex's. Alex felt happiness for a second as their lips wrapped around each other. Alex kept her finger under Hailee's chin as she smiled into the kiss. Alex quickly pulled away realizing how bad this really looked. "I'm sorry." Alex said before Hailee cut her off. "Don't be sorry ever." Alex smiled at her before hearing the front door open making them immediately get off each other.

   (Sorry for not updating last week it got a little crazy but I hope this makes up for it. Anyways I hope yall are enjoying the story so far. :) )

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