Chapter 17

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   They pulled up to Alex's house. Alex got out hobbling to the front door as Hailee followed behind her making sure she didn't fall. Alex unlocked it as Hailee helped her inside to the couch. Alex sat down as she winced for a second but the pain quickly passed. Hailee sat down next to her as a few moments of silence passed. She could hear light breaths pass Hailee's lips as she breathed. "Are you okay?" Hailee said finally breaking the silence that seemed to last longer than it did. "Better" Alex replied not really wanting to talk at the moment. She closed her eyes for a second squeezing them shut before quickly reopening them. Hailee didn't say another word so Alex slowly got up off the couch but realized that Hailee had jumped up right behind her ready to follow. Alex rolled her eyes already being sick of someone's company for so long when she wanted to be alone. She didn't say anything as she hobbled her way to her room with Hailee right on her heels.

Alex went to get on her knees to get the guitar case out from under her bed but Hailee quickly stopped her. "Let me get it." "No Hailee I'm okay I can-" Alex is quickly interrupted by Hailee's voice overpowering her own little broke one, "No Alex you don't need to be doing any sort of heavy lifting or in fact no lifting." Alex looked at her for a moment unsure of what to do as Hailee stared back at her with those daring hazel eyes. Alex sighed defeated not really feeling like arguing with her at the moment. She slowly sat down on the bed trying to make sure she didn't put herself through anymore pain. Once she was on the bed Hailee got on her knees pulling out the guitar case and setting it on Alex's navy blue bed. It had been under the bed for so little time but Alex still had to dust it off a little bit. She didn't really care about the dust getting on her bed she just really wanted that pick. Her dad's pick. That pick was all she felt she had left of him especially since her mother threw everything else out after it. A few years ago her mother came up to her telling her that her dad had been storing up money for me to buy a house ever since the Christmas before he died. Her mom tried to convince Alex to forget about it and give her the money but Alex bought a house as quickly as she could moving out. Her mom was really against it but she couldn't do anything because legally Alex was 18 and allowed to move out. Alex stepped into her house for the first time, it wasn't very big but it was just the right size for one person. Alex didn't mind the small space in fact she kinda liked it, not very much cleaning and less places to look when she lost something. Her mom got mad at her for not giving her the money. Her family never really struggled in money in fact you just maybe could've called them rich but no one ever showed it except her mother. She always went out blowing money on shopping or eating out with friends. While she was doing all that Alex's dad was usually home making some sort of delicious homemade supper.

She opened the case taking the guitar out looking for the pick. She found it at the bottom of the case quickly picking it up as she squeezed it in her hand still feeling his warmth around her in a way. She completely had forgotten Hailee was there until she spoke. "You got anymore songs?" Alex looked up at her as her mouth started getting all dry sure she had played with Hailee before but now playing infront of Hailee for her made Alex a bit nervous. Alex picked up the guitar setting it on her lap as she got the pick ready. Alex took a deep breath almost making her lungs hurt. She placed her fingers on the first cord as words started pouring out.
(I'm Doing Fine: Mike Waters)

   Keep your head, keep your head up, be strong
Don't get emotional
Where were you when your father told you
Girls don't cry, don't you know?
Go ahead, drown your sorrows with some
Whiskey, that's how it's done
Talking 'bout all your problems is a waste of time

The only way I know
Only way I was ever shown
Was how to deal with this alone

I let the waves crash down
And keep it all inside
Don't try to work me out
I've done it all my life

The Odd One Out (Hailee Steinfeld)Where stories live. Discover now