Chapter 20

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The man looked at her for a moment as he comprehended her question and soaked it in trying to find an answer in that big head of his. "You will eventually." A smile grew on Alex's face and she started rising in her bed without even realizing it. "But," Alex's face dropped back down a little as the word came out of his mouth, "But you will have to do physical therapy everyday and even at your own home. If you refuse or just don't do it because your to lazy then no, you will never be able to go back to your normal life ever again." Alex slowly nodded as she took in everything the doctor had to say. "How long do you think the physical therapy will last?" Hailee asked jumping in before the doctor left. He clicked his pen a few more times as he looked Alex up and down thinking. "Hm probably about two months." Both Hailee and Alex's face dropped hearing his words. Hailee opened her mouth about to saw something but Alex quickly cut her off seeing the growing rage in her face, "Thank you doctor." Hailee looked down at her for a second as her face relaxed but went back to anger as she looked up at the doctor. "I will bring a wheel chair out so we can release you." The doctor said as he began walking out. Hailee was just about to follow him when Alex calmly said her name making her turn around. Alex didn't break eye contact as she heard the door close behind the doctor. "How can you-" "Hailee" Alex said trying to get Hailee to stop but she continued on her little rant throwing her hands up in the air a few times. Alex let her get her rage out as she just watched her or more admired her even in the state she was in. Then Hailee turned around catching Alex's eye, "What?" Alex furrowed her eye brows confused of what Hailee was asking. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Alex cocked her head slightly to the side but her eyes still remained on Hailee, "Like what?" Hailee opened her mouth to speak but suddenly the doctor came back in with her wheelchair causing both their eyes to lose contact. "All right you're all set. She's already filled out all the paperwork." Alex looked at her once more then more nurses came speed walking into the room clearly having something better to do but this was just something on their list. They all walked over to Alex and lifted her up helping her into the wheel chair since she was practically helpless at the moment. "Thank you" Alex said quietly as they gently set her into the chair and left once again speed walking.

   Hailee had a few more words with the doctor but they eventually left as Hailee wheeled Alex out to her car. They went over to the passenger side and Hailee set Alex into the seat as carefully as she could before folding up the wheelchair and putting it into the back seat. She went around to her side getting into the drivers seat, she started up the car as Alex felt it rumble under her.

   On the way back rain started sprinkling on the car. Alex listened to the way it gently hit the roof of the car making a small tapping sound. Alex rested her head on the back of her seat as she closed her eyes listening to the rain. Alex sorta started drifting off but it wasn't soon before they were back at Alex's house. Well that's where they should have been. Alex drowsily opened her eyes as the bright light came shining through the windows making her squint her eyes. When her eyes finally adjusted Alex looked out of the front windshield seeing Hailee's big house infront of her. Her eyes quickly shot over to Hailee as her beautiful hazel ones started back at her smiling. Alex returned the smile catching a glimpse of something on the middle console. Alex slightly looked down breaking the eye contact with those hazel eyes. She saw their hands intertwined on the middle console as Hailee gently caressed her thumb over Alex's knuckles but sadly Alex couldn't feel it due to her stroke. "Hailee" Alex said looking back up at Hailee's eyes. "Hm" Hailee said as she never wiped a grin off her face. "What are we doing here?" "Well your mother is still back at your house so I figured I would give you a small break and take you here." Alex looked at her for a moment unsure of what to say. But before she could even come up with a response Hailee let go of her hand gently and got out of the car. She came around to Alex's side and opened her door lifting her out of the car. "Wait Hailee what about my wheelchair." Alex said looking back at the car Hailee was quickly leaving behind. "Don't worry I'll come back for it." Hailee said walking up to the door before quickly opening it. Alex looked around for a moment still in disbelief from how big her house really was. Hailee slowly walked up the stairs making sure not to trip and drop Alex. Hailee took her into one of her many spare bedrooms and placed her gently on the bed. "Are you cold do you want to be covered up?" Hailee asked sincerely. Alex did in fact want to be covered up but she also didn't want to be a burden for Hailee. Alex looked down at the covers then back at Hailee before shaking her head no. "Oh please your hand was colder than ice in the car." Alex looked down blushing knowing she had just been caught in a lie.

After Hailee pulled back the covers and laid Alex down in them. She tucked her in as Alex sat there feeling useless. "So what are you going to do about my mom?" Alex asked after Hailee got done tucking her in. "I'm not sure yet so for tonight I guess she can just make herself at home." Alex raised her eyebrows, "Yeah in my home." Hailee chuckled, "So are you hungry do you want me to cook anything." "I'm not very hungry right now but thanks." Alex said considerately. "Ok well I will be back in a few minutes to check on you." Alex nodded as Hailee headed for the door. "Wait Hailee" Alex said as Hailee's hand rested on the doorknob. She turned around as her eyebrows furrowed. "Thank you for.....well everything." Hailee fully turned around now walking back up to the bed. Hailee took Alex's cold hand in her own. "You are welcome." "Hailee" Alex whispered one more time. "Yes?" "Will you stay with me?" Alex was a little hesitant to say it afraid of what Hailee might think to respond. A smile that could light up anyone's day grew on Hailee's face. "Of course" Hailee took off her sweatpants leaving her in just her hoodie. She climbed into the bed with Alex and laid next to her. Alex took a deep breath before feeling Hailee's warm hand cover her own. Then she heard shuffling and soon Hailee was right next to her. Alex turned her head facing Hailee as their noses almost brushed up against each other. Alex could feel Hailee's hot breath on her own lips. She felt Hailee's hand slowly go up her side before reaching a comfortable position and stopping. Alex once again had to dismiss Hailee's wandering eyes as they went down to her nose at first but then quickly down her lips then back up to her eyes. Alex smiled making Hailee smiling right along with her. Hailee glanced down at her lips again before closing her eyes and moving forward.

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