Chapter 11

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   Alex woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. She quickly got out of bed going to open the door seeing Braden standing there with a smile on his face. "Told you." Alex smiled at him as she let him in. She closed the door as went back to her bedroom as he started saying something but she didn't hear him because she was trying to hurry to put away her dad's things. Alex heard a voice behind her and froze, "Oh what's this." Alex kept putting things away, "Oh it was just some of my dad's things that I found." "Will you play for me?" Braden asked making Alex turn around and look at him with a confused look, "What?" "Will you play for me?" Alex looked down then nodded her head grabbing the guitar as he sat down next to her on her bed. "Um I wrote a song about my dad." Braden looked at her for a second searching her eyes, "Can I hear it?" Alex nodded and started strumming to the guitar making the beat, then she let words flow out of her mouth going with the strumming of her guitar.

Braden nodded his head, "Still stuck on your dad huh?"  "I mean Braden he was my dad how would I not be stuck on him." Alex asked bringing her eyes up from her guitar in disbelief. "Oh I don't know I just thought that maybe after some time you would have gotten out of the stupid depression stage you're having." "Braden I'm not-" "I don't even want to hear it." Braden said interrupting her. "I and you wanna know what I thought." "Oh please princess tell me." Braden said sarcastically. "I thought you had actually changed by the way you talked to me last night you made me feel special for once but now I know that was just an act. Now please get out." Alex said avoiding eye contact and looking down at her guitar still in her lap. "Oh no princess you won't be leaving me" Braden stood up grabbing her arm yanking her to also stand up face to face. "You won't be leaving because you don't know the unimaginable things I could do to ruin your life within a blink of an eye. All it takes is a snap of a finger and it's like you never existed.....but if you don't want that to happen then you can remain my girlfriend." Alex looked him in the eye as their faces were centimeters apart. She was able to feel his hot breath on her lips. Alex lightly nodded, "Good girl" Braden said wrapping his hand around her waist. He leaned in forcing their lips to connect. He shoved his tongue into her mouth as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. Alex had to pull back for air, "Did I say you could pull back?" Braden asked. "No" "Hm yet here you are.....pulling back." He slid his hand up her shirt as his lips traveled down her neck reaching her collarbone. Alex bit her lip holding in a sound she had not made in a long time. "Go on let it out." She heard Braden say as his voice became low and husky. She closed her eyes as she felt his tongue lick her collarbone. Suddenly there was a knock on the door making Alex's eyes open. "Braden someone's at the door." "Who cares?" He asked still leaving his lips on her neck. Alex positioned both her hands on his chest and pushed him backwards as hard as she could then she ran for the door hearing him yelling behind her. She got the front door and quickly opened it being met with those beautiful hazel eyes as they looked up at her in shock. "Was I interrupting something?" Hailee asked as Braden ran up to the door but stopped just behind Alex. "No please come in." Alex said as Hailee eyed Braden curiously.

"So what did you need?" Alex asked as they all sat down on the couch. "I mean I just came to apologize about leaving earlier I shouldn't have done it and it was childish." Hailee said staring into Alex's eyes before Braden put his arm around her. Hailee's eyes saddened but she quickly covered it up as she looked over at him then the ground. "Thanks for the apology and I'm sorry for yelling at you like I did I didn't need to do that." "Apology accepted." Hailee said as she looked up from the ground and smiled as Alex. Alex smiled back but it was not for long because Braden cleared his throat, "Well I'm so happy for both of you now I am sorry but we were in the middle of something important." "Oh I'm sorry yeah I could leave." Alex tried pleading with her eyes because if she dared say anything Braden might beat her into next year. Hailee stood up along with Alex then Braden. They all walked to the door as Alex opened it for Haile to step out. Just before she did she turned around, "Do you mind if I come over tomorrow I need to talk to you about something?" "Yeah-" "Actually I think she is going to be busy tomorrow and for the rest of the week really." Braden said cutting Alex off as she just looked at the ground. "Oh...ok I guess we can talk another time." Hailee said as she started walking away.

Wait come back! I really really need you right now! Wow that's surprising that that thought just came to mind.

Alex wanted to reach out and grab her hand but as soon as she did she knew Braden would be mad so she stayed perfectly still as Braden's arm was draped across her shoulders. She closed the door, "What were you thinking idiot!" Braden yelled before slapping her across the face. Alex fell to the floor as she grabbed the side of her face which was burning from the contact of his hand. She stood up as tears flooded her eyes. He stayed firm where he was standing as he looked at her with almost a taunting look in his eye. She sped off to the bathroom as she locked the door behind her. She went and sat on the floor and only a few minutes of silence passed before there was loud banging on the door. "Open up or else it's just going to get worse for you!" She heard as Braden yell in his deep voice from the other side. She sat there for a moment dreading walking out of the door that stood between her and him. She looked at it for a moment as it shook from him banging on it so hard. She stood up and walked over to the door and opened it as she got another slap to the face, then a punch to the gut. "Get on your hands and knees on the ground." Braden said as he forced himself into the bathroom with her. Alex did as he said afraid of getting another punch to the gut. He kicked her in the ribs making her yelp with pain as she grabbed it with her hand. Another foot rammed into her hand with just as much force as the last one making tears fall out of her eyes onto the cold bathroom floor infront of her. More tears fell out of her eyes as she anticipated his next kick wondering where it would be. She heard him slightly chuckle then his foot came once more hitting her in the head this time making her black out.

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