CH 8

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It was a week later and she was healed. She could walk and her other bruises had cleared up.

No one knew about my condo. Only my dad and my two best friends. I had our groceries delivered and as far as my job was concerned, I was still at my cabin.

I did trust my boss but...I needed to be extra careful. The Rivera's had a lot of cops and Feds on their payroll. I had an idea of who was dirty but I didn't know everyone. I needed to keep this close to the vest for now.

"Are you going to continue to ignore me for another week or have you worked out what you needed to work out?" I asked her after we finished eating dinner.

It was a Thursday evening. She spent the week ignoring me. She wouldn't let me touch her, hug her, hold her, or kiss her. We slept in separate beds and she barely spoke to me unless it was necessary. I knew she'd be angry but I think she was overreacting. She had lied to me too.

"Xavier, don't start. I told you I needed time." She got up, helping me clear the table.

I caught her by her waist after she placed the dishes in the sink. "I've given you a weeks worth of time." I gently pushed her against the counter, blocking her in. "Yes, I wasn't upfront about being a Fed, but neither were you, Heather."

I threw her UC name she had given me the first time we spoke right back in her face. She rolled her eyes before she asked, "Why did you give me your real name instead of giving me a cover one?"

"Because I didn't want you calling me anything but Xavier."

Something passed through her eyes I couldn't read. "I like you. I like you a lot and I miss you. I can't be in the same room with you and not touch you, Charlie."

"We can fix that. Maybe I should move out. I have friends that can-"

"You aren't going anywhere. This is the safest place you can be right now, where I can protect you."

She was still hurt. I knew it and I hated that either of us hadn't come clean sooner. "Stop acting like you don't want me." I said.

She looked away for a brief second before hitting my chest. "How am I supposed to trust you?"

"The same way I trusted you." I held her hand against my chest. "The same way you trusted me and we barely knew each other."

Her eyes misted over. "I think we both are feeling the same thing here." I told her, resting my forehead against hers.

"I feel like I don't know you." She whispered.

"You know me, Charlie." I squeezed her hand. "Baby, we spent so much time in my cabin, just us. You know me and I know you."

Her eyes searched mine and I leaned down. "You know I'm not letting you go anywhere. You're mine. You were mine when Henry found you, barely breathing in my driveway." I kissed her. "You're still mine. I don't give a crap about the rest. I'm not letting you go anywhere, Charlie."

She kissed me back, moving her arms around my neck. I lifted her up. I squeezed her rear hard through the stretch pants she was wearing before placing her on top of my counter.

I pulled away, looking at her. "I'd kill anyone who'd try to take you away from me. You need to trust that I mean that and that you're safe with me."

"I know that." She pulled me closer, pressing her mouth back against mine. "Don't lie to me again, okay?"

"Right back at you, Charlie." I kissed her back before hugging her. "You aren't allowed to ignore me again."

She pulled away, "I like talking to you." She smiled when I said that. "I mean it."

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