CH 29

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Xavier showed me around his office before I met with his boss. His boss seemed nice. His office seemed nice. I just felt.....overwhelmed and out of place.

Xavier wasn't exactly 'listening' though. I knew he just didn't want me around Micah. I didn't want me around Micah. Which was why I hadn't told him, Micah had been texting me, calling me and emailing me most of the time we were on our honeymoon.

I didn't realized it until after the first week when we went into town so we could have cell service. I also hadn't shared it with him because I didn't want our honeymoon ruined over him.

"So, when were you going to tell me about this?" I asked him.

We were in his office and Nolan was with us. They were going through their current cases with me. Surprise, surprise, they were still working on the Rivera's case. Something he hadn't bothered to share.

"I wasn't going to." He told me frankly. "Are you going to tell me who keeps calling you?"

"No, I wasn't planning on it."

"I feel like you two need a moment." Nolan got up, walking to the door. "I'll be back in an hour. Just try to keep it down. I don't want you getting fired over something that should have gotten taken care of at home."

I gave him a confused look and Xavier knew what he meant. "Get out!" He told his cousin. Nolan laughed before leaving and announcing, "I'm locking the door behind me."

"What is he talking about?" I asked.

"He thinks we're sexually frustrated." Xavier was sitting on the front of his desk. He held his hand out to me. "Come here so we can talk. I'm not fighting with you over this."

Good point. I didn't want to fight either. I went to him and he pulled me between his legs. "Whose calling you?" He asked.

"Who do you think, Xavier?"

There was a pause before he said, "Micah?"

I nodded, "He's upset because I'm here."

"He's upset because he has no authority here." Xavier looked annoyed. "Whatever. We will deal with that later. Let's talk about the Rivera's."

"I'm listening. Why didn't you tell me the case was still opened? I mean I knew rival families were moving in on their territory but I didn't realize you guys were still actively on it."

He nodded, "Not just because of that. We know Gino's going to come back soon. No way he's letting all of this go down and not do anything about it."

"I agree. He wouldn't."

"It was my decision not to tell you. You were too close to this Gino thing. I didn't want to drag you back into it."

I bit my lip. "I was a lot but I want to see this through."

He nodded, "Now that you're here with me than I don't mind as much."

I smiled, Xavier was serious. We joked about him being controlling and some things with me, he was. But....this job situation.

I moved to pull away. He let me go so far before he pulled me back. "What's bothering you?" He asked.

"I feel like you aren't giving me a choice in this, Xavier. What if I don't want to work here? I mean this-" I looked around. "It's a lot."

"Yeah, it is but you can handle it. I know you. I know you more than you give me credit for, Charlie."

"I never said-"

"You imply it." He said before cupping my face. "I want you with me as much as possible. I'm not apologizing for it and if you think I'm being controlling than maybe I am. I want you safe and you're safe when you're with me."

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