Chapter 20

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The Usual Suspects

I sat at a table, shackled to said table. Such a fun day so far. 

The door opened and a man walked in. He wore a suit, his dark hair short. Sharidan was his name. Or last name, at least. He sat down across from me. "Your case baffles me a little, you know. And after all I've seen, not much baffles me."

"So I'm special?" I smiled. "That's kind of you. Better not let my boyfriend hear you say that. He's a little protective."

"Funny. Especially seeing as I've got your boyfriend in chains a few rooms down." He replied.

I laughed a little. 

"What's so funny?"

"You think that'll stop him." I shrugged. 

"So you two got the whole Bonnie and Clyde thing going, huh?" Sheridan asked.

"I guess. I always like their story. Guess I took it too literal. I've been told I tend to do that sometimes." I say. 

"Anyway, as I was saying, you caught me off guard. I mean, your boyfriend's got quite the criminal record, but you? You ain't even got a parking ticket. I did some digging." Sheridan began. "You're 25, no job, a home address you haven't been to in weeks where you have a friend staying. You were on a straight A student from the minute you stepped in school. Got your pick of colleges, scholarships, all of it. You went for a few weeks then dropped out. Kind of disappeared after that, a hole in the wall job in your hometown. Then--poof--gone. Weeks later, your boyfriend is being hunted for the torture and murder of some girls in St. Louis. He supposedly dies there. Still no sign of you though. Months later, your entire family ends up in the grave. Now here you are with your said dead boyfriend. Alive and well."

"Interesting story. You should write a book." I nodded my head. "You mind taking these off? I have delicate wrists." I held my hands out. 

He gave me a bored look. "So why, Miss Goody Two Shoes, are you hooked up with criminals and murdering Karen Giles?"

"I didn't murder Karen Giles." I stated. "Promise."

"You're believed to be an accomplice to Dean, who did murder her." 

"He also didn't murder her." 

Sheridan leaned toward me. "You're young, bright future. You fell in with the wrong crowd. A cute guy winked at you from across the bar, you fell in love, convinced he can do no wrong. He brainwashes you, parades you across the country committing crimes until those crimes turn to torture and murder. You try to run, he threatens you and your family. You got no choice but to stay. Your prints weren't found. You got no connection to nothing. You can--"

"You want me to go along with that story and rat on Dean?" I asked. "Let him take the blame and jail time. I get out, innocent. Another poor victim."

Sheridan shrugged. "People can be made to think whatever someone wants them to think. Who says Dean isn't convincing you of whatever you think you know."

I leaned forward, sighing. "Everything he's being accused of is wrong--complete bullcrap. But even if it weren't, I would never, ever rat on him. If I have to go down, at least we're going down together. If it was just him who was caught, I'd either break him out or wait until he got free. I'm with him. So you can give up on getting me to turn on him. I won't do that." I say. "I'm not rat."

"So then, Saige," Sheridan says, "what happened? If he didn't kill Karen Giles."

"Well, Dean and Sam's father were old friends with Tony Giles." I lied easily. "In the military together, I think. Sam and Dean knew Tony since they were kids. I didn't. We had heard about his death, and they wanted to swing by. We were on a road trip. Me and Dean and his brother Sam. So I came with."

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