Chapter 50

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Dean peered over at my book. "Reading smut again, are we, Si?"

I felt a blush rise to my face as I punched his arm. "It's romance."

Once, years ago, when Dean and I were dating, I walked into my house after a long shift at work to find him flipping through the pages of one of my books. He thought it was hilarious and continued to make fun of me for years. I changed the locks on my door after that. It didn't work though. He broke in again. 

"Romance, word porn, whatever helps you sleep at night." He kissed my cheek before leaning in to whisper in my ear, "We could reenact it later if you want." 

I shoved him away. "Shut up. 

"The lawyer guy the first heart-free man in town?" Dean asked as we sat on our bed and he went back to cleaning gun instead of bullying me. 

Sam had went to check out the corpse of the most recent attack victim. "First man. Over the past year, several women have gone missing."

"Si, remind me to tie you to the bed so I don't lose you." Dean joked. 

I rolled my eyes, elbowing him in the ribs as I flipped the page of the book I was reading. "I'm sure that's the only reason you're tying me to the bed, you crude human being." 

Sam grabbed a beer from the fridge and a chair, setting it down at the end of the bed. "Months later, their bodies washed up at the bay to deteriorated to draw firm conclusions."

"But no hearts?" Dean asked.

"No hearts." Sam confirmed. "They were all hookers working at Hunter's Point."

"Dean, remind me to tie you the bed to keep you away from the hookers." I joked. 

"I don't pay for sex. Never have, never will." Dean told me, a playful glare set on me. 

Sam and I shared a look. 

"What? I haven't." Dean defended. 

"Anyway, the cops are trying to keep things under wraps. They're looking for a serial killer." Sam stated. 

"And the lunar cycle?" Dean asked.

"Mm-hm." Sam nodded his head. "Yeah, month after month all the murders happened in the week leading up to the full moon."

"Which is this week, right?"

"Hence the lawyer." 

Dean smiled as he stood. "Awesome." He grabbed another gun and a box of bullets.

"Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?" Sam asked. 

"I think it's cute." I say.

"I'm sorry, man, but what about a human by day, a freak animal killing machine by moonlight don't you understand?" Dean asked. "I mean, werewolves are badass." He opened the box of silver bullets. "We haven't seen one since we were kids." He sat back down next to me.

"Okay, sparky, and you know what?" Sam asked. "After we kill it, we can go to Disneyland."

"Know what the best part is?" Dean asked. "We already know how to bring these suckers down." He held up the bullet. "One of these bad boys right to the heart. What's our next move?"

"Talk to the girl who found the body."


"I don't understand. I already gave my statement." Madison--the girl who had found the dead body--said as she let us into her house.

"Right. Yeah, well, we just need to verify a few things." Sam lied. 

She led us into the living room. "This is my neighbor, Glen. Glen, this is detective--"

Superstitions {Dean Winchester 2}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora