Chapter 40

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Houses of the Holy

"You saw it, didn't you?" Dean asked as we walked into the main room of the church. "Didn't you?"

"Yeah." Sam replied,nodding his head. "Yeah, Dean, I saw an angel."

Dean stepped around his brother as Sam sat down on a pew. Dean reached into his jacket, pulling out a flask and offering it to Sam.

"I don't want a drink." Sam shook his head.

Dean shrugged, taking a swig himself then offering it to me.

"Uh, one second." I grabbed his wrist, checking his watch. "Yeah, I said I would drink for at least another hour."

Dean shrugged again, screwing the cap back on and shoving the flask in his coat. "So, what makes you think you saw an, uh, angel?"

"It just..." Sam trailed off, smiling a little. "It appeared before me and just...this feeling washed over me, you know, like peace. Like grace."

"Okay, ecstasy boy." Dean says. "Maybe we'll get you some glow sticks and a nice Dr. Seuss hat, huh?"

"Dean." I complained.

"Dean, I'm serious." Sam stated. "It spoke to me. It knew who I was."

"Its just a spirit, Sam." Dean insisted. "Okay? And its not the first one to be able to read people's minds." He moved to sit on the pew across from Sam. "Okay, let me guess, you were personally chosen to smite some sinner. You just gotta wait for some divine Bat Signal, is that it?"

"Yeah, actually." Sam nodded his head.

"Great." Dean remarked. "I don't suppose you asked what this alleged bad guy did?"

"Actually, I did, Dean." Sam replied.  "And the angel told me. He hasn't done anything...yet. But he will."

Dean let out a humorless chuckle as he stood. "Oh, this is--I don't believe this."

"Dean, the angel hasn't been wrong yet." Sam snapped.

"Okay, lets take a chill pill and calm down, huh?" I suggested.

"Someone's gonna do something awful and I can stop it." Sam continued.

He had a point. I understood where Sam was all too well. I too wanted nothing more than to save lives just to prove to myself that I was good. I was scared. I think Sam is too.

"You're supposed to be bad too, Sam." Dean stated. "Maybe I should just stop you right now."

My heart sank. I swallowed. That could easily be me. If I spoke up, it would be. If I had seen the angel like Sam had, it would be.

The bad part is, I didn't blame Dean.

A part of me thought it would be best if he stopped me. A part of me thought he should. And maybe, just maybe, a small part of me wanted him too.

"Maybe that's best." I murmured, sinking into myself.

Deans eyes fell to me, softening. "Si--"

"I'm serious--" I began.

"You know what, Dean? I don't understand. Why can't you even consider the possibility?" Sam asked.

"What, that this is an angel?" Dean asked, voice harsh again, matching Sam's.

"Yes!" Sam said. "Maybe we're hunting an angel here and we should stop. Maybe this is God's will."

"Okay, all right. You know what, I get it." Dean says, crossing the room and sitting back down. "You've got faith. That's--Hey, good for you. I'm sure it makes things easier. I'll tell you who else had faith like that: Mom."

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