Chapter 58

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Folsom Prison Blues

"So you wanna know about some nurse?" A guy Sam met--Randall--asked as he sat on the bleachers. "Why you wanna know?"

"We got our reasons." Dean stated. He had a cut on his cheek and a bruise around his eye and a red mark on his jaw. "But we'll make it worth your while." He held out a pack of cigarettes.

"It sounded like you were offering--" I began.

"Si, quiet." Dean said. "So this nurse, she would have had white hair, one screwed up eye. Is that ringing a bell?"

"Yeah." Randall nodded. "Yeah, I remember her."

"You remember her name?"

"No, that's still kind of fuzzy."

Sam laughed a little. "Give it to him."

"I earned these." Dean stated.


Dean held out another pack of cigarettes.

"Glockner. Nurse Glockner." Randall took them. "Nasty old bitch worked here in the '70s."

"You know her?" Sam asked.

"I met her once. I had to get a tetanus shot. She damn near jabbed a needle through my arm."

"Tetanus shots aren't fun in the beginning but that sounds like hell." I mumbled.

"At least I got out of there alive." Randall shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked

"There were these stories, I don't know if they were true. Cons love to talk but we're all liars."

"What kind of stories?" Dean asked.

"Guys would go up with a cold, next thing, they're in a body bag. A whole rash of heart attacks. Young guys. Old guys."

"Heart attacks?" I repeated.

"Yeah, story goes Glockner had it out for cons so she did this Charles Bronson thing with a hypodermic. Anyway, that was a rumor. Nobody ever proved anything." Randall explained.

"Whatever happened to Glockner?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. I finished my bit and left. Next time I landed in here, she was gone."


"Okay, so let's say those stories on Glockner were true." Sam began as I joined the two at a table.

"I was almost groped by a 60 year old man in jail." I muttered. "Life is fun."

"What?" Dean asked, eyes jumping around as if he'd just know who to beat up.

"I'm fine. He didn't touch me." I patted Dean's arm, resting my feet on his chair. "So killer nurse, what's the story?"

"It's a thought. In life she's a vigilante. In death, same thing." Dean's fingers grazed up my leg under my pant leg then back down to my ankle.

"Right. But how's she tied in with the old cellblock?" Sam asked. "If she's going after cons, why kill the guard?"

"Guards can be cons too." I suggested.

"She's right. I did hear in the yard that guard wasn't exactly squeaky clean." Dean added. "So, well, maybe she's going after anybody that breaks the law, like me."

"You heard in the yard?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it's the yard." I said. I looked to Dean. "Right?"

"Yeah." Dean nodded.

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