Chapter 30

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"Hello?" Dean answered his ringing phone. He put it on speaker, holding it between us as he drove. 

"It's Ellen." 

"Hey, have you heard from Sam?" Dean asked.

"I have." Ellen says. "But he made me promise not to tell you where he is."

"Come on, Ellen, please. Something bad could be going on here and I swore I'd look after that kid." Dean says. 

"Now, Dean, they say you can't protect your loved ones forever." Ellen tells him. "Well, I say screw that. What else is family for? He's in Lafayette, Indiana." 

"Thanks." Dean hung up, dropping his phone between us.

"See? I told you we'd find him." I ran my hand over Dean's arm. 


Sitting outside of the Blue Rose Motel, we watched the window of the room where Sam was staying. 

"What if I go see what he's doing? I'll keep an eye on him, and you can tail us." I suggested. "He'll trust me." 

"Thank God you're okay." Dean muttered as Sam turned to the window.

"Hello? Dean, are you listening?" I asked. 

Sam walked away from the window. I spotted a girl with brown hair standing behind him. 

"Oh, you're better than okay. Sam, you sly dog." Dean smiled. 

I rolled my eyes. "Dean, get your mind out of the gutter." 

"Says the sex-crazed maniac." 

"We are not keeping that nickname around." 

"What? Why not?"

"Because it sounds bad." I say. "Alright, I'm gonna go deal with your weirdo brother."

I slide over to him, placing my lips on his. Dean kissed me back, hand on my waist. 

"Be careful, baby." Dean whispered against my lips. 

"I'm going to hang out with your brother, not walking into a burning building." I tell him. 


I knock on the door, shoving the strap of my bag up my shoulder. I focus on all of the negative emotions I bury deep inside of me. 

Tears brimmed my eyes. 

I had to sell the story if I wanted Sam to keep me around. 

The door opened. 

"Saige?" Sam asked. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Dean and I got in a fight." I let a few tears fall. "I thought about what you said. I want to know what the hell is happening to me. I brought it up to Dean and he snapped. So I left."

Sam gave me a sad smile, moving out of the doorway. "Well, we already have something."

Playing dumb, I ask, "We?"

"Yeah, Saige, this is Ava. She's a psychic like us." He gestured to the brown-haired girl. "Ava, this is Saige. My brother's girlfriend and a close friend of mine." 

"Nice to meet you." I shook he hand while raising my other to wipe my eyes. "So what have we learned?"

"Well, Ava had a vision of a guy that died a month ago. Turns out he was one of us too. In his therapy notes he said that the yellow-eyed demon said there was a war coming." Sam explained. "And that we were the soldiers." 

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