lvix. despair

13 4 2

⪻Poem #59⪼

In the depths of despair, where shadows dwell,
A soul descends, caught in a bitter spell.
The weight of the world upon weary shoulders,
A heart once hopeful, now growing colder.

The sun's golden rays, once warm and bright,
Now obscured by clouds of eternal night.
A darkness seeps in, consuming my mind,
Leaving no solace, no respite to find.

In this desolate space, hope begins to fade,
As despair's tendrils tighten their cruel braid.
Every step forward feels like a futile endeavor,
As the soul sinks deeper, tethered to forever.

Each breath becomes heavy, a burden to bear,
The weight of despair, too much to compare.
Thoughts turn to whispers, echoing in the void,
A symphony of sadness, the soul's only joy.

But hold on, dear heart, for despair is not the end,
In the depths of darkness, seeds of strength can mend.
Reach out for a lifeline, a hand to hold,
For in unity and love, true healing unfolds.

Though the road may be long, and the journey steep,
Within you, a flame of resilience burns deep.
Gather your strength, rise from the abyss,
Embrace the light, reclaim what you miss.

Remember, dear soul, that despair is a phase,
A temporary storm in life's complex maze.
Hold onto hope, let it guide your way,
And slowly, but surely, darkness will fade.

Author's Note:

Your feelings are valid and despair is a phase!✨

I believe in your resilience and your ability to overcome any despairing situation/challenge. :) And, always remember you're not defined by your current circumstances. Look up, there are brighter days ahead!

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