lxi. move from past

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⪻Poem #61⪼

Under the shelter of my past I stand,
Frozen, shackled, bound by memories.
A prisoner of the echoes that demand,
I stay stagnant, caught in reveries.

Unable to move forward, I remain,
Tied to the chains of what was.
The weight of history causing strain,
As I yearn for a future yet fuzzed.

The mistakes I've made, their haunting refrain,
A constant reminder of all my flaw and sin.
Regrets and sorrows, like an endless rain,
Drowning hopes and dreams, where to begin?

But within this darkness, a flicker of light,
A glimmer of hope, a chance to break free.
The power lies within, the will to fight,
To rise above, to rewrite my story.

For the past is but a chapter, not the end,
The pen still in my hand, the ink not dry.
With each step forward, I transcend,
The limitations of what's gone by.

I'll embrace the lessons, learn and grow,
Reclaim my power, seize the day.
Release the chains, let my spirit flow,
And let the winds of change guide my way.

No longer tied to my past, I'll soar,
With courage as my compass, I'll explore.
Towards the horizon, where dreams reside,
A future full of possibilities untied.

So fear not the past, for it does not define,
The person you are or who you can become.
Break free from the shackles, let your spirit shine,
And embrace the journey that has just begun.

Author's Note:

You've got this! Keep moving forward! ✨

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