lxii. culture and society

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⪻Poem #62⪼

In this toxic realm, kindness is a rarity,
Replaced by selfishness and cruel disparity.
Greed and power become the driving force,
While the vulnerable suffer, their voices coerced.

A culture of comparison, breeding insecurity,
As we chase unattainable standards with such futility.
Perfection demanded, flaws not allowed,
Leaving behind shattered souls in the crowd.

Friendships turn sour with envy and deceit,
As jealousy festers, love's defeat.
Manipulation and lies become the norm,
Leaving trust shattered, hearts torn.

In the depths of society, a poison does dwell,
A toxic force that casts a chilling spell.
A web of deceit, where shadows thrive,
A culture of toxicity, hard to survive.

But let us break free from this toxic embrace,
And foster a society of love and grace.
Where kindness is valued, and wounds are healed,
And the toxic venom is finally repealed.

For toxic societies can be brought to their knees,
When we choose unity over division, and empathy over disease.
For a healthy society is built on trust,
Where respect and understanding are an absolute must.

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