Chapter 4.

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— Alyssa's POV —

Like I suspected, life went back to normal shortly after I pulled up to school on Tuesday morning. We went our own ways and haven't spoke since, I didn't expect anything less honestly, but for some reason is does hurt that she hasn't even blinked an eye at me.

She wore my clothes for Christ sake. Maybe I'm just gay, but that should mean something.

We got an A on our assignment, I cleaned it up slightly on Sunday night before handing it in, making sure it looked it's absolute best it could do and it worked.

And now, once again we're in biology, Scarlotte is a few rows behind me out of sight, and I thought maybe that would help me concentrate, but no, all I can think about is if she's looking at me or not.

"And since you worked so well nicely together last week, I think it's only right you work together again, Scarlotte and Alyssa." I stumble out of my daydreaming at the mention of my name, staring at the professor. We're working together again?!

I look up at the screen, seeing the project we need to do - this time it's not a written piece of work, no, of course not, we have to make a brain out of paper mâché - this is going to be hell.

I'm smart but when it comes to my artistic talents I fail miserably. I can't even draw a stick figure if I tried, this is going to go horribly.

I look behind me at Scarlotte and she just gives me a shy smile, I turn back around, looking down at the page in book full of smiley faces I've scribbled over the past hour.

Class is over not longer after that news, and I'm soon packing my things away before approaching Scarlotte. "Look, I can just do this and put your name down, don't worry about coming over again."

"No, don't worry. I enjoyed it, and I promise, I won't overstay my welcome this time." She says, and I furrow my brows. She enjoyed it?! "Plus, I remember your artwork in second year, I don't trust you to get us a pass never mind a good grade."

And the moment was swiftly over, I roll my eyes, going to walk away but her hands grasps my wrist and I can't help but flinch, pain striking me, pulling away from her touch.

Her eyes flicker over my face and then down at my arms, it suddenly all clicks for her, and I have no words, I can't talk. You can see all the dots lining up for her and the moment of realisation is clear on her face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's fine, do you want a ride?" I ask, changing the subject, and she replies with a soft nod.


Silence is normal between the two of us now, it's not awkward or painful, it's somewhat peaceful.

We stopped at Target on the way home to get the things we needed because I sure as hell didn't have art supplies at home. Scarlotte bought us snacks - even thought I offered but she refused - and I bought everything we needed for this damn brain we needed to make.

Now we're in my bedroom, Taylor Swifts 'Dress' is playing and we're sat on the floor on an old bedsheet to protect the floors from the mess we're about to make.

"This takes me back to being a kid." Scarlotte says, stirring the flour and water mixture we've poured into a bowl, and I look up from one of the newspapers that caught my eye. "You however look like you're reminiscing on being a grandma? Babe, come on, get your hands messy."

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