Chapter 15. (!)

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— Alyssa's POV —

"Allie, come on, stop walking away!" Scarlotte shouts after me and I continue to pace towards our room, key in hand, ignoring every word.

I have no right to be jealous, she isn't my girlfriend, and we've never said that we're exclusive, so really I shouldn't be so mad, but I am, I'm angry and I need to calm down before I speak with her so I don't screw this up more than I already have.

The last thing I want to do is mess this thing up between us with a silly little argument all because I got jealous over a game, but if I don't have the space and time to think, I feel like I may start to blow up.

"Please, stop! Come on, I screwed up, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry, I didn't think-"

"It's fine, go back for all I care, stay with her, screw her, I don't care, just leave me alone." I do care, I care a lot, but right now I can't be around Scar. I need to breathe for a moment.

"You don't really mean that."

"Why not? I mean you just sucked her face off in front of me, so you might as well get her off behind closed doors as well." I'm so dumb.

"I didn't suck her face off, I barely gave her tongue." She says and I turn round to her, glaring at her. "I mean, no-"

"You don't get it!" I scream, opening the door to the hotel, and she grabs my wrist, spinning me round to look at her. "Get off me."

"What don't I get? Tell me, I'm not letting you go until you talk to me, please, just stop walking away."

"You know, it's fine. Technically you can do whatever you want, and if kissing that girl is what you want, go do it. We're nothing anyway apparently, so you can do what you want. It's not like you have a tattoo on your forehead that says that you're Allie's property, do what you want ." I shrug her off, going into our room and she follows me like a lost puppy, never leaving my side.

"You don't actually mean that, come on." She shuts the door behind us, and I pull off my hoodie over my head, throwing it on the chair, suddenly getting quite hot. "Allie, just sit down and talk to me please, let me apologise."

"I just don't know how you expected me to react when you kissed her like you did. That it wouldn't hurt my feelings? Well newsflash, Scar, I have feelings for you, and you just fucking hurt them. Now can you leave me alone, I want to shower, I smell like smoke, and I wanna be alone."

"I'm not leaving you." She tells me and I roll my eyes, getting more and more agitated.

"Fine, I'll leave." I go to pick up my hoodie from the chair where I threw it, walking over to the main door before Scar grabs and pins me up against the wall.

"You're not leaving." She tells me, and I curse myself for getting turned on by her in this moment. I'm supposed be mad right now, not horny. "Now, you can either shower and sleep, and ignore me for the rest of the night, or you can talk to me and we can fix this, but you're not leaving."

"I don't want to talk to you, why can't you listen?" I say, and her hand grasps my jaw, and I bite my lip, fighting down the urge to kiss her there and then. "You hurt my feelings, babe. It's not nice seeing you like that. And I know we aren't together, but I just thought-"

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