Chapter 5.

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— Alyssa's POV —

After our somewhat crazy talk last night, we decided to finally watch the movie we picked before our own emotions kicked in. We ate snacks and watched the first Mean Girls movie, discussing parts of it with each other throughout.

As it got darker outside, we both mutually agreed that we'd do our project another night and start over from scratch. I'm not sure where we went wrong, but all the paper we thought would dry against the balloon had fallen off it and dried to the floor instead.

My parents soon called up for dinner - Mom made us homemade pizza and fries - and what shocked me is yet again she let me take it upstairs with me for us to eat. I have no idea why the rules have changed so suddenly but I certainly aren't complaining.

We quickly got changed into pjs, she wears my clothes once again, and it still hasn't gotten easier seeing her wear them. It's a shock to the system, it's so insanely hot and she looks perfect in them.

We are our pizza in bed, throwing on another movie to watch, and not long after the food was finished off between the two of us, we fell asleep with the movie playing.

The night never fell into awkwardness, we talked like we'd been friends for years, and it was organic, not one conversation was forced. It was nice.

I had thoughts fighting in my head for most of the night if maybe I was too rash in accepting Scarlotte's apology so quickly, but she seemed so genuine, and it was so long along. Even though I held that grudge against her for years, I feel like in order to get passed it is to be mature and forgive her.

She doesn't seem like a bad person, honestly she may be one of the few good ones at school, she's just a little broken and unfortunately is surrounded by shitty people.

Since Scarlotte stayed that Monday it seems like my sleeping isn't no longer a problem. I don't nap anymore, I sleep somewhat earlier, and wake up before my alarm now. So, now that she's stayed again, and we slept quite early, I'm up at the crack of dawn.

The sun is just about rising when my eyes squint open, the orange light beams into my room, and I look down at Scar who is laid in my arms, her arm draped over my waist.

Unlike last time, I didn't move away from her, instead I melted into her touch, closing my eyes, hoping more sleep finds me before we have to be up for school. Although I'm grateful for a fixed sleep schedule, waking up at at sunrise is a stretch, and I know a nap will follow school if I stay awake now.

I could stay like this with her forever, it's so peaceful.


To say we woke up late was an understatement, we missed most of first period by the time we got to school. Once I fell back to sleep, it seemed to have made me even more tired so once my alarm rung I instantly closed it off, drifting off again.

Scarlotte wasn't too bothered that she missed practice with the girls, and thankfully I only had extra grade math, so I wasn't missing anything important.

We did make it in time for home room though, and the second I'm sat down in class, I feel unsettled with the feeling that I'm being watched.

I look around the room, all eyes on me and whispers fill the room amongst everyone. I'm confused, it's not rare that I'm late to school, so why are they staring?

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