Chapter 16.

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Amari K

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Amari K. Sanders

Third person pov: 

Normally after a game, the girls would go out. But they were all too tired. Exhausted to be matter of fact. The four girls walked into their hotel room, not saying a word to each other. They just enjoyed the comfortable silence. Amari walked straight to the bed she shared with Paige, throwing her bags onto the ground. She plopped on the bed, causing it to make a cracking sound.

"Damn. Am I that big?" She asked to herself quietly.

Kk laughed softly hearing the girl. Amari picked out some pajamas and went into the bathroom to take a shower. She decided on taking a quick one due to how tired she was. When she got out, she grabbed a water from the mini refrigerator. This alerted Paige that it was now her turn to bathe. Amari put her water in the nightstand and tucked herself in. She decided to stay up just a little bit. Just until everyone had showered.

"I'm going take a shower in Imani and Jaylee's room." Said Azzi headed to the door, eyes glued on her phone.

Amari hummed in response. Soon Paige got out and joined the curly haired girl in the bed. Kk hopped in the shower.  Amari noticed that Paige's hair was now down. Oh how she loved it when Paige's hair was down. All the lights were off expect the one in the bathroom and the one on top of the stove. The tv was on causing a soft glow to light up the bedroom.

"Amari?" Asked Paige.

"Yes?" Responded Amari turning onto her side to face the blonde girl.

"You played really well today."

"Thank you. You did too."

The blonde's blue eyes wondered Amaris face. Scanning all of her features. Amari noticed this not daring to move and break the girl out of her trance. Paige slowly reached up and tucked a piece of Amari's hair behind her ear.

"You're really pretty you know that?" Paige asked softly.

"I'm pretty sure you've asked me that before." Said Amari giggling from the girls cold hands.

"Well you are."

"You are really pretty too Paige."

Paige felt her cheeks flush red at the girl's compliment.  Paige looked at her with admiration in her eyes. They were holding eye contact. There was a tension in the room. Not like the one on the court. This tension was more passionate and loving. Amari's eyes flickered from Paige's eyes to her lips. Paige caught on to this. She adjusted her hips moving her self closer to the girl. Amari felt like she was about to fold. She didn't know what about Paige that made her so attractive. Maybe it was those bright blue eyes, or her sweet, weird, bubbly personality, or maybe it was the way she would catch Paige manspreading every now and then. Paige felt the same way. She loved everything about Amari. She was funny, gorgeous, smart and had a genuine heart. On of her favorite things was when Amari wore red or hot pink. She looked amazing in those colors. Paige caught herself slowly leaning into the other girl. She quickly stopped herself thoughts flooding into her mind.

"Was this right?"
"Does Amari even swing that way?"
"What if something happens between them?"
"Will it ruin their friendship?"
"Or even worse will it affect how they play on the court?"

Amari noticed the change in Paige's expression. She felt a bit of sadness.

"Did Paige not like the like that?"
"Was she not the girls type?"
"Had she been imagining things between them?"

Amari softly rubbed Paige's arm, causing Paige to stop overthinking and face the girls of her dreams that was right in front of her.

"You okay?" Whispered Amari.

"I will be. I just have to do this one little thing."

And with that Paige leaned in to the point where their noses were brushing up against each other slightly. She stopped and looked into Amari's eyes.

"Can I?" Asked Paige her voice a little raspy.

Amari was in shock for a quick second. Then nodded her head and saying a soft "yes".
As soon as Amari had given Paige the consent she had desperately wanted. She leaned in connecting their lips. Both girls were internally screaming. Paige grabbed Amari's waist bringing her in closer. Both their bodies leaning into each others. Amari's hand made its way to Paige's faces, holding onto her cheek. The kiss deepened. Both the girls feeling the room getting hot. Amari's thigh wrapped around Paige's lower half. Paige grabbed Amari's thigh holding it into place. Amari wrapped one of her arms around Paige's neck the other in her blonde hair. Suddenly, running the perfect moment, Kk came out of the bathroom holding a towel. The girls quickly parted from each other.

"What was that all about?" Asked Kk giving them a suspicious glance.

"What was what all about?" Asked Amari.

"Did I scare y'all or something? Y'all like flinched when I walked out."

"Oh yeah a little we were drifting off to sleep and kinda forgot you were here." Paige said obviously lying.

Kk noticed how both their lips were plump and their cheeks cherry red. She also noticed the awkward positions they were laying in. Amari slightly laying on her back, still kinda titled to the side. Amari's hand was still tangled up in the blondes hair. Paige on the other hand, was on her side with one arm by her side and the other resting on top of the blanket. Paige never ever has the arms on top of the covers. Ever. Kk took note of this and made sure that she would ask Paige about it in private. Kk walked off shrugging her shoulders and heading to the kitchen. Paige and Amari covered their mouths trying to muffle the laughter. That was awkward. After everything had died down and Azzi had returned. Amari snuggled herself into Paige. They both drifted to sleep thinking about that magical moment that had just taken place only a couple minutes ago.

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