chapter 20

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"Wake up my love." Chan shook Hyunjin gently and Hyunjin turned to look at him.

"Daddy?" Hyunjin whispered." Yes baby? Are you little right now pumpkin?" Chan asked softly and Hyunjin shook his head.

"Go take a shower and I'll prepare breakfast." Chan patted his head." Shower together daddy?" Hyunjin said in a small voice.

"Okay baby." Chan smiled. He picked Hyunjin up and took him to the bathroom. He put Hyunjin in the shower and opened the tap.

Hyunjin was being extra quite and Chan tried to ignore it. He washed Hyunjin's hair with the wrong shampoo deliberately to see if he would say something.

"Baby boy what's wrong?" Chan asked softly and Hyunjin shrugged." Munchkin talk to me please. I can't take this silence from you." Chan's voice cracked.

Hyunjin looked at him with tears in his eyes. He couldn't understand why Chan loved him so much and it made him feel like one day out of the blue Chan will be gone.

"I-I da-daddy." Hyunjin got overwhelmed by his emotions and cried softly." Calm down baby. Tell me what's wrong. You're Chan's brave omega my love. Tell Daddy what's wrong my prince." Chan hugged Hyunjin and kissed his forehead.

Hyunjin cried softly in Chan's arms and soon calmed down." I wanna be good but it's just not me. My identity lies with being naughty. It's who I am." Hyunjin said.

"But?..." Chan said. He wanted to know what his baby was thinking." But I'm afraid that if I don't change myself then you'll leave me or you'll be ashamed of me. Worst case scenario you may even let my dad take me away." Hyunjin whispered.

"My love I can never ever leave you and you don't have to change yourself. You're perfect just the way you are Jinnie. I didn't fight to be with you just so I could leave you." Chan said with a husky voice.

He didn't really know how to convince Hyunjin that he wasn't going to leave him.

" My love I know you're thinking about this because I suspended you. I can't promise not to suspend you but I can change my department because it will hurt more when I'm the one taking action against you." Chan said.

"You'll still see me at school right?" Hyunjin asked." Yes I will because you'll always be my little pumpkin regardless of whether you're in school or at home." Chan smiled.

"Let's get you out of this shower before you literally wilt yeah?" Chan said and Hyunjin nodded with a smile.

Chan finished cleaning Hyunjin up and the latter waddled over to their room and waited for Chan who came shortly.

"You didn't choose your clothes?" Chan asked and Hyunjin shook his head with a pout. Chan nodded and took out some clothes for him before going over to help him.

"Come on let's go down. I'll make you something to eat." Chan said." No. You said I'll cook a week ago. Today I'm making breakfast." Hyunjin said." But babydoll you'll burn yourself." Chan laughed lightly.

"Daddy please." Hyunjin pouted." You'll prepare your own breakfast then. I'll do mine is that okay?" Chan asked and Hyunjin nodded happily.

"Okay let's go down my prince." Hyunjin blushed softly. There was just something about Chan calling him his prince that made butterflies erupt in his belly, something that made him blush and made him happy.

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