chapter 27

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"Daddy wake up. I hungry." Hyunjin pouted as he shook Chan harshly." How nice of you pumpkin?! I always wake you up gently and here you are shaking me like I'm a corpse." Chan said sarcastically.

Hyunjin just hummed as he didn't understand what Chan was talking about." What does my baby want to eat?" Chan asked as he picked Hyunjin up.

"Anything Daddy." Hyunjin braided Chan's hair and kissed his cheek." Okaaaayy. Someone is in a good mood today." Chan chuckled as he reached the kitchen.

He placed Hyunjin down and started preparing some pancakes." Daddy phone." Hyunjin extended his hand to Chan." No munchkin. That's not how we say it. You forgot something." Chan said without looking at Hyunjin.

"Daddy you no love me?" Hyunjin sniffled and he pretended to cry." Really Hyunjin? Please stop with being dramatic early in the morning." Chan shook his head with a snort.

He went back to preparing breakfast leaving Hyunjin behind." Daddy please, I be good boy." Hyunjin pouted as though Chan could see him." Take it from our room baby and don't fall from the stairs okay?" Chan said and Hyunjin nodded before going to the bedroom.

Chan quickly finished preparing breakfast and called Hyunjin to eat his breakfast. Hyunjin insisted on being fed by Chan and sat on his lap. Chan being the whipped husband he was agreed.

"How is it my darling?" Chan asked." Nice, like daddy's food and beautiful like Jinnie." Hyunjin said." Dramatic when big and cocky when little. You never cease to amaze me." Chan laughed.

"Daddy I miss Sungie, Lixie and Binnie hyung." Hyunjin said." I know baby. We'll give them a call when you finish eating." Chan said and Hyunjin nodded.

"Daddy play?" Hyunjin asked cheerily." You're scatter brained my darling. Tell me what you want to do first. Play or talk to Sungie?" Chan asked.

"Play Daddy. Sungie is at school." Hyunjin said and Chan nodded." What does my pretty prince want to play?" Chan asked." I'm tired. I don't want to play now." Hyunjin laid his head on the table making Chan to laugh.

"How about you watch some cartoons while I attend to some of my work?" Chan asked as he started with his own breakfast and Hyunjin nodded as he made his way to the living room.

Chan checked on his emails and responded to the important ones. He tried marking some of his students' online exams even though it was quite difficult with little Jinnie singing cartoon tunes at the top of his lungs.

After some time he decided to take a break and checked on Hyunjin who was sleeping soundly on the sofa and he took him to their room. Chan took a shower and drifted off too along with Hyunjin.


Hyunjin woke up in his normal headspace and took a shower. He FaceTimed Jisung first and Jisung cried over the phone telling him how much he misses him. Hyunjin's heart broke at the sight of his friend bawling his eyes out.

He always knew it would be difficult to separate from Jisung but now it hit a little harder than he thought. Jisung was his soulmate, friend and everything. He also brought in his waterworks before hanging up.

Hyunjin took a shower and started preparing lunch. He knew Chan would probably give him a whole ass  I don't want you to get injured talk so he cooked pretty fast.

After he was done he went to take a shower. He put on Chan's tee and some shorts which he knew he was going to get a scolding for but he was in the mood for some scolding.

He missed Jisung and the times they were always scolded for being notorious omegas. This was his time to shine and bring the honor back to the notorious omega gods. Ever since he became mated he slowly started being plaint and submissive.

That's what he thought. He wanted to see if he still has it in him to rebel against Chan. After some time Chan came downstairs and found Hyunjin eating his lunch alone.

"Did you cook?" Chan asked as he ruffled Hyunjin's hair." Who else would cook? Your brother?" Hyunjin said and Chan laughed. Hyunjin's jaw dropped as he expected Chan to scold him for being disrespectful.

"I guess my husband is in a good mood today." Chan smiled as he sat down on the dining table. Hyunjin blushed and played with his ring under the table. He quickly went back to a poker face as he remembered his mission.

"Can you not call me that? It's irritating me." Hyunjin said and Chan nodded." Sorry. I didn't realize that pumpkin." He said. Hyunjin furrowed his brows wondering what was wrong. Chan was supposed to scold him and tell him he's tiresome and not apologize.

"Your food is amazing by the way munchkin." Chan complimented with a smile and Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't find any words to say and he bit his tongue to stop his own smile from forming on his lip.

Chan took out his phone and started responding to some messages. Hyunjin scraped his plate with the fork to irritate Chan which unfortunately didn't work as he thought and he huffed before putting his plate in the sink.

Deciding that he'd had enough he took Chan's phone and threw it against the wall. That was not scripted at all and the look of shock on Chan's face made him rather guilty instead of being happy.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" Chan asked softly as he stood up." Why are you like this? You're supposed to scold me!" Hyunjin shouted." What are you on about?" Chan asked as confusion  took over him.

"Can't you see that I'm disrespecting you? Why won't you say you hate me and leave me. That's what everyone does." Hyunjin said as he backed up against the wall.

"Calm down and tell me what happened bub." Chan embraced Hyunjin gently and Hyunjin pushed him away." Chan you can't do that when I'm still talking. What's wrong with you?! Can't you see your phone is broken?" Hyunjin said.

Chan hugged Hyunjin more tightly this time around." Hyunjin calm down and talk to me baby. I'll worry about the phone later." Chan kissed Hyunjin's forehead.

"I can't do it Daddy. I can't." Hyunjin's tears fell." What can't you do munchkin?" Chan wiped Hyunjin's tears." This...being naughty. I can't do it anymore." Chan nodded." It's okay bub. Whether you're naughty or not I still love you." Chan said gently.

"I think I love you." Hyunjin whispered." What do you mean you think?" Chan asked." I-I felt guilty f-for the first t-time when I disrespected you a-and it's not a good feeling. I wanna be good for you." Hyunjin hiccupped.

"It's okay bub. I love you too. Don't stress about it too much." Chan cooed and Hyunjin nodded." How about a movie? You get to choose." Hyunjin smiled and nodded." I'm sorry for breaking your phone." He whispered.

"It's okay. I guess it's time to get matching phones now." Chan winked at him as he went back to his food. Hyunjin picked up the phone and examined it with a pout.

He discarded it with a sigh and went to the living room to find a movie to watch. Soon enough Chan came and they watched Encanto together as they cuddled on the sofa.

The rest of the day was filled with kisses and cuddles as they binge watched some more movies.

To be continued

Sorry for these chapters if they're not up to the standard. I just came from a journey of more than a thousand kilometers for about twelve hours on the road😭😭I wrote this after the journey and I was so tired.

But anyway thank you guys for reading this story, it means a lot❤️.

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