chapter 29

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Hyunjin was seated in the exam room and the chilly wind caressed his pink cheeks and he regretted leaving his jersey in Chan's office.

Most of the questions seemed fine. And even if he didn't pass with high marks he knew he would at least get a credit. He sighed as the rain stated pattering the roof of the class he was in.

After rechecking his paper he submitted and headed straight to Chan's office. Jesse came out of Chan's office the same time he entered and her scent made him dizzy.

But who wouldn't get dizzy with the mixture of scents that lingered around her? The girl was a breeding machine who slept with everyone that came her way and she didn't even bother to hide her character.

At least she was being true to herself and not trying to be better than everyone when she knew she wasn't.

"What was she doing here?" Hyunjin asked in a monotone voice." Oh come here baby." Chan patted his lap with a smile." I said what was she doing here?" Hyunjin's anger sky rocketed and he couldn't even describe what had made him so angry.

"I'm calling you so I can tell you. Come here my love." Chan said. Hyunjin's tears fell before he could even comprehend why he was crying." You don't love me anymore? Is she better than me?" Hyunjin's voice broke.

"Baby what are you saying?" Chan breathed. He stood up and slowly walked towards his little." I'm asking if she's better than me Chan." Hyunjin wiped his hot tears.

"Munchkin relax and tell me what the problem is." Chan embraced Hyunjin gently and pecked his lips. Hyunjin pushed him away before wiping his lips in an attempt to erase Chan's lips from his.

Chan stood there frozen not functioning well. Hyunjin had never in his whole life done that. No matter how sad he was or how angry he was he never refused Chan's touches and the older got alarmed by the behavior.

"You can't kiss her and me at the same time. If you're going to cheat on me then do it with someone better." Hyunjin said as more tears fell down. He took his jersey and wore it leaving a gaping Chan there.

"Why won't this shit get off?" Hyunjin muttered as he struggled to take off his ring. After a long struggle he took it off and threw it to Chan who luckily caught it." Have fun with your little girl toy." He said taking his phone and going out not forgetting to slam the door that brought Chan to his senses.

"Did I just get dumped?" Chan breathed not believing what had just happened. His mind was a jumbled mess and he wondered if he should go after Hyunjin or give him time to cool down first.

But then Chan was innocent so giving him time would be like he was guilty but who cared? Hyunjin was all that mattered now.He remembered what Hyunjin's father had said the day before. He was right when he said Hyunjin would come crawling to him and this was exactly what was happening.

Hyunjin was roaming down the streets with no intention of going back home. It had been two hours since he ran away from Chan and he missed him. He wanted to jump into Chan's arms and feel that familiar warmth and love.

Now that he thought about it with a calm mind he realized he didn't even give Chan a chance to tell him whatever he wanted to tell him. He now realized that he'd left with no valid reason to.

Hyunjin got into a clothes shop and bought a coat. He was thankful for the card that Chan gave him back then. He got into a restaurant and ordered some hot spicy tteokbokki.

He could now cry in peace because people would assume that the spicy tteokbokki was the reason for it. He ate slowly while tears flowed silently down his tears. The little wondered if his daddy missed him as much as he did.

Chan was also roaming the streets looking for Hyunjin. He was worried sick about him because the weather was chilly and he wondered if his baby wasn't cold wherever he was. Well now he wasn't really his baby but that didn't stop him from worrying about him.

The rain was threatening to pour down and Hyunjin still wasn't to be seen." Out of all days you decided to leave on a chilly day. Why do you like to get me worried?" Chan sighed as he looked at Hyunjin's ring.

"Where are you Hyunjin?" Chan said without realizing that the person who just sighed deeply while passing behind him was the person he was looking for. Even Hyunjin himself didn't see that he'd passed by his daddy.

Chan nearly killed himself when he realized that the phone he had wasn't his but Hyunjin's. Their matching phones concept had backfired because now he had the wrong phone. Had he had his phone then he would've asked for help from his contacts.

Chan's heart stopped momentarily when he saw his name on the screen. Hyunjin was calling him from his phone. He swallowed thickly before picking up the call hoping that nothing bad had happened to his husband.

There was an awkward silence on the phone before Hyunjin spoke up from the other side." Daddy?" Chan immediately panicked because with the way Hyunjin spoke it was clear that he was either little or wavering between big and little.

"Baby? Where are you pumpkin?" Chan breathed with fear laced in his voice." I don't know. I-I sorry Daddy." Hyunjin whispered." Switch on your location baby. I'll come to you and don't hang up." Chan said worriedly before getting into his car.

He wasn't sure if Hyunjin even knew how to switch on his location at the moment but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. He kept Hyunjin engaged in small talk so he wouldn't feel lonely until he found him.

Luckily they weren't even far from each other and Chan soon found him. Poor Hyunjin was squatting down beside an old building and crying his lungs out when he saw Chan.

The little ran to Chan and latched onto him. Hyunjin regressed as soon as he felt Chan's warmth and gentle voice comforting him." D-daddy?" Hyunjin whispered.

"Yes bub? Is everything fine?" Chan patted Hyunjin's head." Da-daddy I.. I sorry Daddy." Hyunjin cried even more." Shh it's okay baby. Let's go home. We'll talk when you're big." Chan smiled at him. Chan picked Hyunjin up and took him to the car.

The ride was quiet with Hyunjin's hiccups being the only source of sound. Upon reaching home Chan bathed Hyunjin and dressed him in some sweatpants, hoodies and thick woolen socks.

After that he fed Hyunjin and gave him some warm milk. Chan took a shower and the two cuddled in bed in silence.

Chan was worried sick even after finding Hyunjin. He hoped Hyunjin didn't get hurt anywhere and wondered what riled Hyunjin up so much and made his insecure about their relationship.

After deciding that it was time to sleep Chan closed his eyes and let sleep take over his exhausted body and emotions.

To be continued

I honestly think I'm falling in love with this Chan 😭🤞 why's he so Daddy like? Whoo! The temperature just got hotter.

On a serious note though. I'm concerned with Hyunjin's mood swings😭

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