Chapter 1

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The night was dark and the clouds were hidden most of the stars from the forest in the Chugach mountains, Alaska. The air was ice cold, threatening to freeze the wanders.

There, hidden between the dense trees, lived the White Shadow Pack. They were not the biggest pack in the world but they were one of the strongest. Every night, the warriors patrolled the large territory, preventing possible enemies to cross their land. Keeping their members safe was crucial, and just the strongest ones were chosen to do it.

Marc was the Beta, and he was proud to be part of the pack, they were his family. He had grown up with his Alpha and they were good friends since childhood.
The Alpha, Kyle, was really dedicated to his duties as a leader. He was an easy person with Marc and with Luke, the third in command, but outside that circle, he was strict, cold and brutal. When the safety of his pack was threatened, he would not think twice before eliminate the cause, being it a child, a teen, an adult or a elder.

Tonight, Marc was on duty to control that all warriors were making their job right. He walked along the dense forest looking out for possible strangers. Soon, he found the third in command, Luke.

"Hey man! Did you catch something strange?" He asked, looking around the dark.

"No. But I feel something isn't right." Luke said uneasy.

"I'm feeling the same..." They stared at each other uneasy.

As answering to their suspicions, movement was heard from their left. Immediately, they stood prepare for an attack.What they saw, was not what they were expecting.

A couple appeared with a child in arms. They looked terrified, glancing behind, for their predator to come out and attack them. From the look on their faces, they were exhausted, as if they had been running for days without stopping for rest. The man had blonde hair like the woman but their eyes were from different color. His were green and hers blue. The man was tall and was hugging his woman so she wouldn't collapse on the ground. Even in the dark he could see the woman was beautiful and she was holding a baby fiercely, as if someone wanted to take it far away from her. Marc couldn't see the baby since it was wrapped in a white blanket.

He gave the couple a cold stare to make sure they understood that they were not welcome in his pack territory.

"What are you doing here?" Marc growled, not taking his eyes from them.

"Help us. They want to take our daughter away." The man spoke first and the woman started crying. He heard the man say some comfort words to her and she relaxed a bit. Definitely they were werewolves and soul mates.

Marc could see the fear in the woman's eyes. He wasn't sure if it was because of the terrified female or because of the baby, but he decided that they should help them. He linked his Alpha telling him of the intruders and a possible attack to the pack. He knew Kyle didn't like strangers but for some unknown reason, he knew he was doing the correct thing helping them.

"I'm on my way." was all that Kyle said.

"Why should we help you? You crossed our land." Marc wanted to know who they were, why they were there and who was after them.

The man, feeling frustrated, growled. He had to protect his family and he knew that to do so, he couldn't tell anyone anything. He tried to reason with the Beta. He knew from the power that emanated from him that he was high ranking, but not an Alpha.

"We are asking you for some compassion. It's my daughter that is in danger and for some unknown reason we came here. It was like a pull to this place. We will fight with you but if something happens to us I beg you to take care of her. Let her join your pack."
He knew that the danger was near and they had little time to make sure his daughter, Emily, would be safe.

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