Chapter 25

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Kyle didn't bother to go home and take a shower. He wanted to see the man that was currently behind the bars of his prison, the man that had participate in the attack of his pack.

He walked in the direction of the fields, where the warriors trained everyday. Beside the compound that held the dormitories, for those who weren't mated, was another one, smaller and with the same structure and color as the bigger one. Inside, on the ground floor, there was a room to held meetings with other packs. The dungeons were located underground and a password was required to have access to that level.

He had mind linked Marc and Luke, to let them know that he was going to interrogate the prisoner. He entered the building and headed to a dark hall, where the door that lead to the underground was located. He entered the numbers and went down the stairs.

His friends were waiting him there, beside the only cell that was occupied. He took a look at the prisoner. He was young, probably less than eighteen years old and he looked scared. Not wanting to waste time, he began addressing the boy.

"What's your name?" Kyle asked trying to maintain a cool posture. Luke was beside him, probably preventing him from tearing the boy apart. His friend had always been the compassionate one.

"John" He didn't took long to answer and Kyle thought to himself that the young werewolf would be easy to break if necessary.

"How old are you?"


"Who sent you?" Kyle asked determined to have the answer that could lead them to who was behind the attacks and, most likely, behind Emily's parents death.

The boy remained silent, avoiding eye contact.

Kyle growled in warning. He saw Luke shift for one feet to another as if he was uncomfortable with the interrogation.

John recoiled from fear, pulling his back to the wall as if it could swell him up and hide from the presence of the terrifying Alpha.

"You will tell me who sent you and why you came here to my territory or I will torture you till I have my answer. Understood?" Kyle menaced.

He knew the boy was afraid of the person that had send him there. He wanted to create fear in John, so he could have the answers that he needed. Honestly, he didn't know what to do with the boy. If it had been a man with a cocky attitude, he would be dead by now, but the boy in front of him seamed just lost and scared. If it had been nineteen years before, he wouldn't have hesitated to kill even the boy in front of him. Since Emily, he had changed. For better or worse, he wasn't sure yet. That softness could kill him if he wasn't careful. Losing his patience, he continued.

"He or she, isn't here now. You are under my roof and in one of my cells. You are my prisoner and I won't hesitate killing you if you keep quiet as you are now."

"He will kill me if I say his name." The boy shivered, thinking about what the other Alpha would do to him.

Kyle thought about the words that John had said. He knew his next words would have the boy submit.

"And I will kill you if you don't." His voice was cold, his eyes promising a terrible death. Luke growled beside him. Apparently, the other male was having trouble controlling his anger and patience too.

"His name is Vladimir and he is the Alpha of Dark Moon Pack." John said looking directly at Kyle.

Kyle had heard about that pack and he started to join the pieces of information in his head. Everything fit perfectly. Years ago, some rumors were spread about a rogue's attack to one of the northerns' pack. The leader of the rogues was a vicious man, sadistic bastard that killed many werewolves that night. It was said that the former Alpha had died in battle, but Kyle was starting to doubt that. The man had been killed on his territory the night he found Emily. Probably, the Alpha had been too exhausted and weak to fight properly and had succumbed to that fatal fate.

Now, Kyle understood why Emily's parents had run to hide their daughter. She was the next in line to become Alpha and for that, considered a threat and a target to eliminate by the man who took over her pack. Members of a pack were loyal to their Alpha and his descendants. If the Alpha died, the descendants would take his or her place. In this case, Vladimir had killed Emily's parents but not Emily herself, so the members of her formal pack could be living in his territory but their loyalty was to Emily and not Vladimir. It was not uncommon if some members left their territory in search of their right Alpha, but Kyle was sure that if they even tried, they would be dead by now.

Emily was an adult and, by age, she was ready to take her place in her original pack, the Dark Moon Pack. Even not knowing what was happening, it would be normal for Emily to seek her formal pack. It was a primal instinct, one that all Alphas shared, to be near their pack, their family. Now that she was of age, the members of the Dark Moon pack would sense her better and it was a matter of time till some appeared in his land, if they had luck and could escape.

"Dammit!" Kyle growled, running his left hand through his already disheveled hair. He took a step forward, opened the cell and grabbed John by the collar of his shirt. The young one began breathing faster, trying desperately to get rid of the powerful hands that had him trapped.

"I have one last question, pup... Why did you do it?" Kyle asked, the words rolling out of his clenched teeth.

Looking directly at an Alpha could be considered a brave act or a stupid one. John lifted his eyes, trying to appear brave, but failing all along.

"I was hoping to have a place in a pack. Being a rogue is hard and I managed to survive till now but..."He looked down, ashamed for showing such weakness.

Kyle let John's shirt and turned to Marc.

"Leave him outside of our borders." Marc nodded, but before he could move, Luke spoke. John shivered.

"Maybe he could stay and become a member of our pack." Kyle and Marc looked at him as if he had grown another head, so he continued explaining.

"He seems afraid to be alone by himself and I doubt he would try to attack a member of our pack, since he knows the consequences."
John looked at the. Alpha with pleading eyes.

"I promise to be loyal to you and your pack."

Kyle grunted.

"Ok, but Luke... you have to keep an eye on him, since it was your idea." He said before leaving.

Pleased with the interrogation with the prisoner, Kyle stepped outside the compound. The night was almost ending and he felt tired. Marc was at his side but he didn't say a word. He knew his Alpha was trying to process all the news that John had given them moments ago.

Kyle let out a tired breath and looked at his best friend.

"It's a serious situation Marc. I fear for our pack and for Emily. Now that she is old enough to take her place as Alpha, she will begin feeling incomplete. She will start her search even not knowing what she is searching for." He said, his eyes downcast to the green ground.

"She will be safe. We can always put some men watching her." Marc said confidently, a confidence he didn't feel deep inside. He had seen Emily grow up and she was a determinate female. If she felt the need to search, she would sooner or later. They were all unaware that she had already began to feel the impulse and that tonight that had been the reason for her waking up and adventuring through the forest all by herself. This situation was dangerous for both packs and specially, for Emily.

Kyle nodded, not having the required strength to contradict his Beta.

"I'm not sure if letting John stay was a good idea."

Marc remained quiet for some moments before spilling his thoughts.

"I think you did well. I know he attacked but I can feel that he is desperate to find a place, one that he can call home. It was that promise, after all, that lead him here tonight." He glanced at Kyle. He could see his shoulders tense and his brows frown in concentration and worry.

"I will talk with Luke, so he can help me to find a place for the boy to stay and something to do." Kyle said, turning in the direction of the mansion. He would take a shower and after, he would return to Emily's side and never leave her.

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