Chapter 13

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The ride to the pack mansion was as fogged as a cold winter morning to Emily. Everything happened too fast for her to process all the early events. One moment, she was living with her family and dreaming about a life of her own and the next, she was moving to the Alpha's house, her mate's house, not knowing what to expect from life. She had created dreams, plans for her future, that she wanted to do before anchoring her life to somebody's else. Kyle had put a stop to her expectations. Not that he was going to forbid her from doing what she wanted. He wouldn't dare, would he?

Well, the major problem was her wolf. The pull of mates was incredible strong for werewolves. Trying to contradict destiny was impossible in the end. Emily sighed, thinking about her life and the prospects of a near future with Kyle.

She wished she had more time to pursue her dreams before focusing her mind on a relationship. She was grateful to find her mate, but she wished she had find him when she was older. Some werewolves couldn't find their mate all their lives and the result of that waiting was, usually, catastrophic. Some would go crazy, others rogues so they could have more chances of finding their other half and a few would end up dead. From solitude or sadness, she didn't know. 

Emily felt the need to talk with someone about Kyle. The first people she thought were Laura and Brandon. Unfortunately, between packing her room in two bags and saying goodbye to her emotional mother, it was already night and Emily couldn't bring herself to disturb her friends since they both had a long day too. 

Marc and Luke barely said a word to her during the ride to Kyle's house. Marc would look in her direction for some seconds and Luke would try to break her mental barriers so he could find out what was on her mind. Fortunately, Emily knew that his efforts were in vain, since she could create a thick wall around her thoughts without breaking a sweat. 

When the car stopped in front of the magnificent house, both males helped Emily with her bags. Marc opened the front door of the two stores building and motioned her to follow him inside. The pack house was huge, more than it appeared from the outside. The hall was enormous with a long white carpet adorning it. The walls were made of dark wood, combining with the dark furniture. She could smell food to her left and she guessed that there stood the kitchen and maybe the dining room too. Two glass doors on her right led to a big living room. She could see, through the transparent material, a white modern couch that could accommodate four of the biggest men and a gigantic TV flat screen in the wall.  Emily noted that the house was emerged on silence, as if they were the only people there. 

She was surprised to feel instantly at home. Maybe it was because of Kyle, her mate, that could project comfort and a sense of protection toward her wolf. She didn't know and didn't want to find out now.

She followed Marc and Luke upstairs. They led her through a hallway that seemed to have no end.
Marc opened one of the many doors on that floor. The first thing Emily thought was that she forgot to count the doors to know which one was the one that led her to her room. Her worries were cut short when Marc broke the line of her thoughts.

"This will be your room. If you need anything, our rooms are there." He pointed to the doors beside hers. She would be lucky to find her room in the long hallway full of doors, so she didn't bother to pay attention to the direction he pointed out.

"Thanks Marc." She replied entering her new personal space. Marc muttered something about talking to his Alpha and left, excusing himself. Emily was now paying attention to her new beautiful room.

The walls were painted of dark blue with a single white stripe in the middle. The bed was king size and had dark blue covers too. Whoever decorated it liked the color blue for sure or knew that she liked it too. A dark wooden door was beside her bed and she opened it revealing a  white bathroom with everything she possibly needed. Her eyes lighted with excitement. Whoever had prepare her room, wanted her to feel at home. She liked it instantly. She asked herself if it had been her mate preparing this room for her. She wished he had but remembering his cold eyes on her earlier, she thought that it was impossible that possibility.

A big wardrobe that seemed to beg her to put all her clothes there and a desk were on the other side of the room. A big window stretched in the wall to the right of the bed. The view was amazing, the green fields and the dark forest transformed the landscape into a magnificent painting.

"I hope you like it." Luke said unsure. She was so absorbed by her new room, that she hadn't realize that he had stayed behind so his voice made her jump a little. She turned around to look at him.

"Yes uncle. I love it!" Her big smile comforted him.

"Good. Kyle's room is beside yours so if you need anything, you can go to him and ask for whatever you need." He said to reassure her that she was not alone and was welcome here.

Her eyes widened with shock. She was so near her mate but at the same time so far away. She had to think about some strategies to make him notice her and lose control because she knew that if he didn't, she would lose it for sure.

Luke turned and left, letting Emily some time to take everything from her bags. He needed to go to the compound in the other side of the fields, where the new warriors would sleep during the months of training.

Meanwhile, Marc went downstairs to Kyle's study. He needed to talk with his friend, his Alpha, about Emily.

Approaching Kyle's office, Marc knew they would have a big argument about Emily. He could feel Kyle's emotions from the other side of the door. Kyle had mind-linked him, while he was at Emily's house waiting for her to finish packing, and he sounded pissed. He had make clear that he didn't like the idea of her being a warrior. 
Letting out a deep breath, he knocked on the door and waited for Kyle's permission to enter.

"Come in." A cold voice answered his knock.

Marc opened the door and closed it behind him. A very angry Kyle was on the other side of the desk. He knew this walls were sound proof so no one would know about what they would talk.

"Why did you let her become a warrior?" He asked, anger wrapping his words.

"Kyle, she wanted to become one and she is actually pretty good. You should have seen her." Marc replied after a minute pause. He knew that everything he could say to defend his decision, Kyle would not listen.

"It's dangerous Marc! I don't want to put her in danger and you know well enough that I won't permit her to make patrols because of the same reason." He yelled, his eyes now a pitch black.

"She won't be alone on patrols, Luke or I will always be there with her and besides, she will hate you for treating her differently." Marc tried to reason with his best friend but from his tense position, he knew that his words didn't have the effect that were meant to have.

"She is my mate!! I'm afraid that she could get hurt in training and patrolling. It's dangerous!!"

"Are you just afraid for her safety or are you afraid that now, that she is of age and living with us, you wouldn't be able to control yourself?" Marc asked raising an eyebrow.

Kyle growled in warning letting Marc know that he should back off, he was crossing a thin line there.

Marc dismissed it with a shrug. He wanted to prove his point. It was time to Kyle claim her. Now that he could, he didn't understand why he was resisting the pull.

"I guess I have my answer." He whispered to himself, ready to turn around and leave.

Kyle was faster than him and pinned him to the wall grabbing his neck, preventing air from entering. He let out another angry growl that made Marc submit, exposing his neck immediately to his Alpha.

Kyle's wolf calmed down a bit and he let go of his friend.

"Leave now." Was all he said.

Marc obeyed without saying a word or a moment of hesitation.

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