Chapter 30

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Up in her room, Emily had mind-link Brandon to let him know that Kyle would train her. Her friend seemed relieved with the news.

She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and use the toilet. After that, she went to bed, covering her body with the sheets. In less than one minute, she was out. She was too exhausted to do more than let her subconscious take over her mind.

Emily woke up with a warm body pressed against her back and an arm circling her waist. She didn't need to turn to see that it was Kyle.

"What are you doing here?" She asked half sleeping.

"From now on, I would like to sleep beside my mate." He said, pulling her more to him and burying his head at the curve of her neck.

The darkness consumed them in seconds.

Morning arrived and the bright light intruded the room, making Emily open her eyes. She was expecting to feel Kyle's presence beside her, but all she felt was the cold sheets under her hand when she trying to see if her mate was there.
Remembering the deal she had made with him the night before, Emily got up from bed and went to the shower with a smile on her face. She knew that he could help her improve her fighting skills. He was the strongest man she knew and everyone in their pack knew that his wolf was a wild beast, fearless and ferocious. That thought made her wolf purr in appreciation inside her head.

Don't be like that... He is a man werewolf... Usually they are strong...

She reprimanded her wolf.

Yes...but he is an Alpha and the most sexy man and wolf that exists...

Emily had to laugh at the primal animal inside her.

Control yourself... If we want to follow our plan without incidents, we have to keep some distance from our mate.

She chose some black leggings and a black tank top to wear, since that outfit would be more comfortable to fight.
When she went downstairs, everyone was at the dinning room fighting for the food that was left in center of the table. Luckily, Kyle had saved some for her. She gave him a kiss on his cheek to thank him and he started smiling like a lunatic.

"What are you going to do today?" Marc asked with his mouth full of eggs and bacon.

"Don't talk while you are eating... It's disgusting man!!" Luke exclaimed.

"I will go to the kindergarten in the morning, then we will train a bit." She said touching Kyle's arm.

The men looked at their Alpha with curiosity. Kyle cleared his throat.

"I will help Emily train, she needs to know how to defend herself from an attack." He explained and continued eating.
Marc just continued smashing the food in his mouth, but Luke stared at Emily for some moments. Her uncle was a smart man and for some seconds, Emily stopped breathing, afraid he could see through her head and find her plans. He had always know when she was up to something.

"It's amazing how you have grown up into a beautiful and strong woman, Ema." He said, making her relax in relief.

"And she is my mate." Kyle said proudly, putting and arm around her waist and pulling her to him. He nuzzled her neck with his nose, causing a shiver to run down her back.
When they finished breakfast, they all went their separate ways. Kyle went to his study, Marc went to make patrols and Luke went to the meeting with the warriors that had been up all night in the forest. Every morning, the men that were responsible to patrol the territory, gathered at the meetings compound to discuss the events from the night before and the new strategies to adopt for the next days.

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