10. Showing her who's boss

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Chapter 10. Showing her who's boss

Blake's POV

Damn, did Ellie know how to throw a bitch fight?! The way her face went red as Lissa insulted her made me feel a little angry. I mean Lissa shouldn't act that way. Just because chicks can't seem to keep their eyes off me doesn't mean she has to go into jealous psycho crazy, clingy girlfriend mode.

I mean, like seriously, what the fuck?

She ain't even my girlfriend. She once was my fuck buddy months ago but nothing but that.

I mean Ellie was alright and all she could seem a little secretive at times: since she always left school two hours, early. What the fuck for?! I wanted to find out but I didn't want to push her. She seemed like she had been through a lot. I had thought about asking Drew but I knew that he wouldn't tell me. After all, his girl was Ellie's bestie. So he was pretty close with Elle.

"Oi Blake! What's happening about your birthday?"

"Marshall you doing that party like always?!"

"Blake, who're you banging this weekend?"

"Is she hot?"

"Shut the fuck up all of you!" I boomed over the racket of noise.

I seriously hated being popular, unlike most guys who would kill to be me. I would kill to be them. You see that is where Ellie is wrong about me. She thinks I'm some rich no life spoilt brat, when really I just have a reputation to uphold. Before my brother died I was the golden child.

The nerd.

The nobody.

The geeky guy who couldn't get a girl.

After my brother died two years ago, I changed myself and put myself in his place. Just to keep his memory alive. After I moved to this school it actually felt alright to be popular but there was a part of me who hated it.

Being popular and thick when really I wasn't thick wasn't really all that true: it was just an act that I put up.

Ellie reminded me so much of my brother. The way her smile lighted the world up and the way her hazel eyes showed how much she had been through. My brother held such life and fun in his eyes that it was unbelievable on how just one person could be alive when others felt dead. My brother was one of those guys who slept around. Like me he had a fuck buddy nearly all the time. My brother hated the rich life that we lived and that was his way of crying for help. Luke (my brother) hated my parents and they pretty much hated him, for the way he was in school, so that's why I'm guessing that they were disappointed in me.

For taking after him.

They blamed me for his death. I mean how could I prevent him going off drunk on his motorbike? It's not like I was the one who crashed into him or gave him the alcohol to chug down like water! My brother and I were twins; I was the older of the two of us but really he always acted like the elder one. I really did miss my brother at times. I missed our sibling bonding days when I would be in his garage helping him fix his cars or just randomly chatting.

My brother looked exactly like me, it was crazy since were identical twins we could fool anybody who tried to guess which one was which. He had the same green eyes as me, the same blonde hair but he was more muscular than me but that all changed after he died. I made myself to become better than him. Better than he already was, tougher, more popular and the guy that all the girls wanted.

And let's just say I overachieved.

"Hey Blake are you free tonight? That little make out sesh that we had last week has had me all turned on," an annoying squawky voice said. I turned my head to the voice.


"Well babe you know me busy, busy, busy. I'm double booked but maybe I can squeeze you in if you do something for me, baby," I said in my best seductive voice. She battered her lashes and pressed herself against me.

"Anything for you, sexy," she whispered and leaned in, closer to my ear. To say I was very uncomfortable was an understatement. I had to bite the inside of my cheek so that I wouldn't squirm and push her far away from me.

"Back the fuck off and leave Elle alone!" I muttered with venom. She stopped moving and froze.

"You can't possibly be serious?" She gasped.

"Hmm no. Just to let you know, whore isn't my flavour," I smirked enjoying her reaction.

"And what a saggy potato is?!" She shrieked standing up in her ridiculous high heels.

"Oh please stop acting like a drama queen. Get over yourself! You're a walking STD!" I snickered at her.

"But Blake-"

"Lissa," I mocked in the same tone.

"Aghh!" She said shrieked and stamped her feet, in pure and utter frustration and probably aggravation as well. But hey who was I to care for what the hell was going through her meekly brain?

"You like her, don't you?" she accused with a sharp tone.

"So what if I do?" I shrugged; there was not really a point of denying it since I couldn't be asked to.

Me and Elle?

No way.

She hated me too much and she was too secretive so our 'relationship' would never work. But liking her?

"Come on I like every girl. Girl is my type, not whore," I informed her with a serious voice. Man, it was too funny watching her get worked up! Maybe I should annoy her more when she comes up to me. Yep, that's it, I am so going to annoy her next time to the point of her pulling her hair.

"You are a real arsehole Blake! Fuck you!" She screeched. Man does she like screeching! She walked away from me and a wicked thought ran into my head.

"Oh, yeah? You have babe! Once too many times! And your moans sound like a whale dying and you might want to get that mark on your arse checked out!" I yelled for everyone to hear. She turned around, with a bright red face, well, bright red neck from where her blush was rising from (her face was so caked with make-up that you couldn't see her turn bright red) and I couldn't stop the sniggers that came out of my mouth. Lissa looked like she was about to explode-and not in the good way, but in the 'I'm so constipated and need a really bad shit but there's not toilets near' way.

"Call me when your flavour has changed," I said in a dark and deadly voice. She opened her mouth.

"Also fucking leave Elle alone." She nodded her head and stormed off in anger.

Well that showed her.

I stood up from my seating position which was just me sitting on a chair with my feet propped up lazily on the table. We didn't have a teacher this lesson for some unknown reason so I took the liberty of ruling the class at the teacher's desk.

"Wow. Blake who knew you'd be the one to show Lissa her place," said a quiet voice. I jumped and turned to see where the voice came from.

There standing silently at the door was Elle.

"I-err- how long have you been there?" I asked her stuttering a bit.

"Long enough to know that it's your birthday soon," she smiled.

Oh shit.


"Can I just get something straight? I don't need you looking out for me. I'm fine on my own so butt out," she said her tone changing icily.

What? I just fucking helped her.

"I just helped you the least you can do is be grateful!" I snapped at her.

"I don't need your help and I didn't ask for it either," she said venomously and with that she stormed away.

Geez... What crawled up her pretty little arse and died?


I know it's short but this chapter is kinda a filler.

Let me know what you think.

- HaveFaith101 xoxox

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