33. Operation GJB

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Chapter thirty three. Operation GJB

"You know we should call this Operation GJB!" Drew said excitedly. I stopped reading the piece of paper in my hand and sat up, sprightly, to look up at him in confusion, what on earth did he mean by that and more importantly what did GJB mean?!

"Drew this is serious," Becca said forcing him to sit back down at the kitchen dining table; it was where Blake, Becca, Becca's dad and Drew were helping me to prepare for what was to come. Neither of us knew what was going to hit me like a ton of bricks we were all panicking and worrying and I was just glad that I wasn't the only one.

As soon as Drew had driven us back to school it was already fourth period, and I was probably guessing it was that late because we decided to make a pip stop at McDonald's. Blake ordered that I had to eat something and well that didn't go down to well, since worrying about Jace had taken over my appetite. And I honestly didn't feel like eating at all, I picked at my burger and fries and barely even managed to take a sip of my strawberry milkshake, Blake was determined not to give up on me but I could tell he was really worried since he kept giving me off glances now and again, I felt so bad that I had wasted his money on food that I didn't eat but leaving my food didn't stop Blake from eating it! Seriously the guy could probably eat a hot dog covered in dirt and mud and he wouldn't care, he would just eat it with no problems at all. That had me seriously worried about how he was brought up, Blake hardly ever acted like the rich spoilt guy that he was, it seemed like he didn't want to be that person anymore and I didn't blame him. No one should ever be stereotyped and I hated myself for judging him just like he had judged me.

Thankfully Cruella De Ville no longer worked at our school anymore, apparently she had found a better place to work but we all knew exactly who she was and what she did it would just have been extremely unprofessional of her to stay working at the culprit's school and it would have made me bawl my eyes out every five minutes. I was so glad that she had gone but it didn't mean that our old teacher would be coming back, Mrs Brown didn't come back. Again we would have to get another teacher for English and I was just praying it wouldn't be someone who wanted to prosecute me and take away my son.

"I was just trying to diffuse the tension," Drew mumbled quoting Fred Weasley. I smiled slightly at his humour but I had more important things to worry about. Usually whenever Drew tried to crack a joke I'd end up laughing but lately I hadn't laughed a lot, even Blake couldn't make me laugh and I could just about smile for him or anyone. The effect of Jace being away from me was silently killing me and it was taking forever and ever for it to just be over with.

"We can see that," Adam, Becca's father, said looking at Drew with a slight smirk on his face.

"How am I supposed to be in a room with a bunch of grumpy sods?" Drew asked, throwing his hands in the air and pouting. I looked back at him and gave him a hard look but he didn't notice it since he wasn't looking at me, but at Blake instead.

"Drew seriously, get a grip man, you know this is serious-

"Yeah but we've been at it for hours!" he whined. I groaned and looked at my watch. Drew was right we had been at it for a few hours; since we got to Becca's house around fourish it was now six thirty.

"We still have so much to do, babe. Come on, you want Jace back don't you?" Becca asked her boyfriend caressing his face and pecking his cheek. They were just so cute together and it mad my heart melt at the sight of them.

"Yeah I do Hun, I'm just bored and my head hurts," he exhaled and grabbed Becca for a hug. I tore my eyes away from them and just looked down at my lap. I was so tired and feeling extremely weak, I just wanted to rest but my body and mind didn't allow me to do so. Blake had suggested that I sleep a bit before we started all the arrangements and paperwork but I just couldn't relax, I was really stress and tense, that I couldn't curl up and relax.

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