26. Jace and Mummy

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Chapter twenty six. Jace and Mummy

Everyone had warmed up to the idea of me and Blake together, we were still the it couple but everything was just normal now. We could walk down the corridors without everything staring, as much. We could kiss, hold hands in busy areas, without people watching, it was almost as if people didn’t care anymore and a part of me liked the sound of that.

Only three days had passed, since I had met Cruella, and all she did was just tell me off for little things, that were actually quite stupid. I had just asked Blake if he had a spare pen, and the stupid woman had started shouting at me complaining that I had disrupted her lesson. Well that I sort of did, since it was a little hard to attract Blake’s attention since he was so focused in his work, for once. Cruella was actually a really bad teacher, she didn’t explain things thoroughly enough, and she always seemed to pick on me for the answers to every question. She must have had something against me considering the fact that all she did was bully me. I was pretty sure that, that was discrimination towards pupils. God knows why our head teacher had hired her, or was it the government who hired teachers? Ever way, it was a stupid idea to hire a teacher who had shitty communication problems.

She also wasn't a very good teacher. I didn't learn anything from her since she was just teaching us the basics of the topic but we had already learnt all of that with Mrs Brown. Either way Cruella didn't care at all, I guessed that she didn't understand what we were supposed to be taught since her mind was always elsewhere, she often looked at me. Shot dirty and dry looks at me, all for what reason? I still didn't have a single clue; she was just a closed book, way too hard to remember and way too hard to read.

"Mummy," Jace said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Yes my baby?"

"Where's Bwake?" He asked in his cute baby lisp. I just had to beam at him.

"Blake is at his house," I answered.

"Why he doesn’t see me?"

"I guess he's just been busy," I answered truthfully. Blake had been quite busy these past few days. His dad was being harder on him, his mum was pressuring and every time I was with him, I just tried not to stress him out. The bags that were under his eyes had annoyed and irritated me. He hadn't slept well and it pained me to know that I couldn't help. Blake's parents didn't even know that I was dating their son. They would never approve of me, obviously because I had Jace. I was guessing that his mum would call me a mercenary whore or something along those lines. I didn't care about Blake's wealth, I didn't care that he was practically the heir to the business; I just liked Blake for Blake.

His father I had met very briefly, but even then he still seemed puzzled by me, he was just way too used to the ideas of bimbos coming and going daily.

"Busy dowing what?" Jace asked as he pouted. Thankfully I didn't have any school work to do, so for the next three or four hours, it was Jace's and mummy's time.

"I don't know baby, but if you want we can ring Blake?" I asked Jace as I sat him down on my laptop with phone in my left hand. I supported Jace's back with my right arm and he curled into me, so he was comfortable.

"Okay!" Jace said excitedly. I sighed as I pressed the speed dial for Blake. I just prayed he wasn't busy or sleeping or whatever it was that made him so drained. The guy was only eighteen years old and yet his parents were still pressuring him.

He answered a few seconds after j dialled.

"Hello?" He answered groggily and I mentally cursed myself.

"Hey Hun... Jace misses you," I said calling him a pet name for the first time.

"Did you just call me Hun?" He asked the surprise in his voice was clear as a crystal.

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