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I really don't feel like going to school. It was a long night last night, I stayed up tossing and turning. I couldn't stop thinking about what my mom said. Good thing she's gone so I don't have to see her.

I don't know how or when I'm going to tell Zack. I know I need to tell him sometime soon. He needs to know, he deserves to know. It's selfish of me to keep it to myself for so long.

I really haven't had anytime to think about what I want to do about this baby, I'm not doing what my mom said, having an abortion. It will have to be up to Zack also what happens, This is his baby too.

I feel as if I already love this baby. It's going to be a hard decision any way we cut it. I hope Zacks supportive either way. I really need his support, I don't think I will have much support from anyone else.

I get ready for school and do my makeup and hair then I put on a baggy shirt and a pair of leggings with some sneakers, really just want to feel comfortable today.

Maria's not picking me up today, so I'll just drive myself. Sometimes I miss driving myself to school.

I get into the car and dry slowly to school. I really don't want to go, I know I have to though.

"Hey Ashley" Some random guy says to me I just smile and nod as if i know him.

"Hey girl! Where have you been" My friend Skylar says

I wouldn't really call her my friend, she just also has a rich family and sits with us at lunch. We don't really talk that much or have much in common.

"Just out sick for a few days."

"What did you have? Aids?" She asks shocked

"Um no Skylar. How would I get aids?"

"I knew this girl that got aids and died."

"Good to know" I say and walk away

Skylars a bit of a weird character. She says whatever comes to mind. She's not the brightest crayon in the box, doesn't really matter though, since her daddy's got money.

The day went by pretty quick. I was looking for Zack all day and didnt see him, I wonder where he could have been, but then again I don't know anything about his life.

I only have algebra with him and he wasn't there, I also didn't see him at lunch.

I asked the algebra teacher if I could bring him his homework.

That's where I'm on my way to. I got his address from the office, I don't know if I'm going to tell him about the pregnancy today or not. I'm so nervous to tell him.

I knock lightly on his door and he answers quickly.

"Ashley, What are you doing here?" He asks

"I just wanted to bring you your homework. Why weren't you at school?"

"Thanks, but im confused? Why do you care if im not at school."

"I was looking for you today. I really wanted to see you." I say and look down at the ground

"I was having family trouble, so I couldn't go. "

"Can we talk about something serious?"

"Sure" He says and raises his eyebrows

I'm sure he's so confused about why I'm at his house, we only spent one night together.

"Im pregnant." I whisper



"With my baby?" He asks. He looks so scared and shocked.

"Yes." I say and tears start to roll down my face

He doesn't talk for a few minutes, but once he notices im crying he wraps me in a hug.

"Shh.. it's gonna be okay." He says while rubbing my back

"What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know .."

I'm glad he's not freaking out like I am right now. He's doing a good job of comforting me. We pull away from the hug and just stare at each other.

"Its all going to be okay." Zach says

What if it's not? I don't say that out loud just think it to myself.

I walk off of his porch and into my car, he waved goodbye at me and I wave back.

I turn music on low and just drive home.


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