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I walk into my doctors office with Zack by my side. This is my first appointment since me almost going into labor.

I wait patiently in the room for Dr. Wright to come in.

"Hey guys." She says "I heard about your scare."

"Yeah, We were terrified." I say

"I bet, I'm glad you're doing better now. Are you experiencing any pain?"

"Nope." I say

"Alright, lay back and let's check on your baby."

I lay baby and within seconds you can see our son on the screen. He's gotten so big, it's crazy. When I first found out I was pregnant the baby looked like a tiny little dot, now you can see his eyes and nose.

"He has your nose." I say to Zack

"I think he does." Zack says

It's such an amazing feeling seeing your baby on the screen, I can't explain it.

"Alright everything looks great. The only thing is I think we should deliver you early and not wait until you're 40 weeks." Dr. Wright says

"What? No." I say

"It's the safest thing for the baby."

"How early?"

"Probably once your 8 and a half months. The baby really seems to want to come out. We're going to try our best to keep him in there for as long as possibly."


I really didnt expect this, I can't believe that I'm going to be a mom in 2 months.

We head home and don't say a word on the way there. I'm still on bed rest until the birth of the baby. I'm going to have to have my baby shower and everything way sooner then I ever would have expected.

I head into my dad's office to look for him. As usual he's sitting on his computer doing whatever work he does.

"Hey dad." I say and walk into the room

"How was your appointment?" He asks and looks away from his computer

"It was okay. Bad news though.. I have to have the baby earlier then I thought.."

"What do you mean?"

"The doctor said I will probably have to deliver the baby at 8 and a half months since the baby wants to come out soon." I sigh

"Oh honey. I'm so sorry, this must be hard for you." He says and comes over and gives me a hug

I walk out of his office still feeling down. I don't want to have the baby early. I mean I will get to see my baby sooner, but at the same time I'm so scared.

Maybe I should talk to my mom about this. She's had two kids so she knows how stressful this is.

I haven't talked to my mom since she took me and Anna shopping. She went out of town again she said it was for 'business', but we all know that's not true.

I peek into Zack's room and see him sitting on his bed reading an algebra book.

"I know what we can name the baby?" I say

"Really? What?" He asks excitedly


"Maybe, I still like Aiden."

"Really, we have to think of a name sooner or later." I say

"We will" he says and looks back down at his book

I leave his room since it seems like he needs to study.

I honestly don't know what to do. I'm so sick of sitting in this house, Maria doesn't really seem to ever want to hang out with me any more.

The only people I hang out with is zack, Mary and Dylan.

I peek in Mary's room and see her playing barbies on the floor.

"Hey, mary." I say and peek my head in the room

"Ashley want to play with me?" She says

"Sure" I go over and sit down next to her

She talks while holding her Barbie and i just sit there awkwardly, I never was the type of girl to play barbies.

"Can I hold the baby when you have him?" She asks

"Of course"

"I've never held a real baby before."

"Well now you will get to." I say and smile at her

This is going to be a hard next couple of months. Having Zack here has been nice, but it's a lot different then just seeing him every now and then. We're getting closer, which scares me.

I don't want to get hurt again like I did with Kyle.

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