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Zacks p.o.v

Me and Mary having been living here for a week now. It seems like we're starting to fit in, It's still very weird living here and just do different from our old life.

Miranda and Ken are never really home, That's something that I'm not used to. My mom was always home, drunk or not she was always there.

Their always at work, that's what they say. They hired a nanny to look after Mary while they're not here. The nanny takes care of Mary while I'm at school.

Mary just turned 5 so she starts school next year.

Ken let me borrow one of his many cars so I've been driving it to school. Along with Dylan, he doesn't have his license yet.

I've been getting a lot more attention at school. People wondering where i got such a nice car, I don't like all of this attention. I'm used to being the kid no one talks to me talks about, but now everyone knows who I am.

I don't get to hang out with Ashley much since I'm always at school or work. When I'm not she's always resting.

I stop thinking about everything and get out of my bed. It's a huge king size bed, by the way. I don't see how one person needs a bed this big. I've only ever had a twin sized bed, It's nice to have a change.

I go into the bathroom that's connected to my room, This whole room is bigger than our house. I bet my mom would love to have a house like this.

I take a quick shower than put on an old pair of jeans along with a white t-shirt. I don't have much nice clothes, Miranda tried to buy me some but I refused. They've done to much for us, but of course she bought Mary tons of clothes and toys.

I put on my shoes then head down stairs. I go into the kitchen and See Mary sitting down at the island eating cereal while talking to the chef, having a chef is something to get used to.

"Well good morning, Zack." The nanny says as she comes out of the kitchen pantry

"Morning" I say and take a seat next to Mary

"Hi bubby. Look what I'm eating." Mary says and points to her bowl

"Cool" I say she gets so excited over little things we never had cereal like that before. We've only had the kinds with no sugar in it, that the neighbor would give us, so it excited her a lot to have sugary cereals.

Dylan comes into the kitchen 5 minutes later.

"Are you ready?" He asks me seeming to be in a rush

"Yeah" I say and hug Mary then head out the door

We get to school and park in the private parking section. Ken doesn't want his car to get messed up, so we have to park it away from the others.

I head into school and it seems like people are staring at me.

My best friend Ryan comes up to me as I'm heading to my locker.

"Whered you get that sick car!" He says

"It doesn't matter." I say

I don't really talk about my family problems with Ryan even though we're best friends. I don't want people knowing I live with Ashley, I don't want to seem like some charity case.

"Your mom buy you that?" He asks

"You can say that, sure."

"Nice." He says and starts following me to class

We have all of our classes together.

The day goes by quickly and I can't wait to get home just to relax. I'm so tired and anxious since my mom hasn't called and it's been a week. I just want to know how she is. She isn't aloud to have visitor's until she's completely sober for at least a month.

I sit in the car waiting for Dylan. He does this everyday, comes out at least 20 minutes late. I think he does it just to piss me off.

"What took you so long?" I say

"You know, The ladies love me." He says as he gets into the car


Once we get to the house I go straight upstairs and lay face down on my bed. I don't know why but I've been really stressed out lately.

"You okay?" Ashley asks

"Yeah, just stressed?" I say

"From being here?"

"No, From my mom not calling."

"It's going to take some time Zack. She has to get used to being sober." She says and sits down next to me.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to me.

Me and Ashley haven't really talked about what we are. Are we dating? I know we're more than just friends.

She leans into me and I place my hand on her stomach. For some reason I feel really comfortable around her, She's a safe place for me during all this stress.

"I have an appointment tomorrow." She says

"Want me to come?"

"Of course"

I really want to take her on a date again, but she's not aloud to do a lot of waking. Maybe we could have a little date in the house.

Maybe ill ask her to be my girlfriend..

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