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It's storming pretty bad out so the power went out.

Zack tried to fix it but no luck. I guess us four will have to sit in the dark until it turns back on.

It's not that bad since we have a few flash lights and a lantern. We're all just sitting in the living room.

Me and Zack sitting on the couch, Dylan in the chair across from us and Maria on the floor.

Dylan won't stop looking at me. His leg is bouncing up and down he keeps wiping his hands on his pants like he's sweating.

He's really jumpy any time someone asks him something.

"Something wrong?" I ask Dylan

"No... what.? W-why?" He says back

"Umm. Just curious."

He really is acting weird. Maybe this has something to do with Maria.

I shake it off. That's probably what it is.

We all just sit in the living room making small talk, We really can't do anything since there's only dim light in here.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I announce

"You can't go alone" Maria says

"I'll go with you" Dylan says and brings a light

He stands outside of the bathroom while I use the restroom. Once I walk out he grabs me by my arm.

"I need to tell you something." He says in a serious tone

I pull my arm out of his right grip.

Maybe he'll tell me about him cheating on Maria.

"Is this about Maria?" I ask

"A little bit." He says

"What's taking so long?" I hear Zack yell

I go back down stairs deciding that whatever Dylan has to say can wait until later.

I sit back next to Zack.

"Dylan's acting really weird." I whisper In his ear

"How?" Zack asks

"I'll tell you later" I say and kiss him on the cheek

Dylan rolls his eyes at me, He's starting to really creep me out. Dylan stands up and clears his throat. I wonder what this is about, Hopefully an apology to Maria.

"There's something that you all should know." He says and starts pacing the room

"What is it?" Zack asks

"I didn't say you could speak" Dylan yells

"Yeah, He is acting weird" Zack whispers to me

"I've needed to say this for a very long time.. Ashley this may sound crazy but you need to know this. I love you.. I've always loved you. We're meant to be together." He says and walks up to me

This is extremely weird, Everyone in the room is super shocked. No one knows what to say or how to respond.

I don't say anything, Zack looks pissed. Maria is on the verge of tears and I feel grossed out.

"What the fuck?" Zack says standing up

"What?" Dylan says and laughs at him "We're supposed to be together."

"I don't think that's how things work." Zack says

Maria stays on the floor, Looking at the ground. I can tell she's upset.

"Dylan where is this coming from?" I ask

"You know I love you, Ashley." He says and touches my arm

"Yeah, like a sister." I say

"NO" He screams

"Don't touch her." Zack shouts and comes closer to me

Now I'm starting to get scared, Things really escalated quickly.

"No, no, no." Dylan says and starts pacing the room again "I didn't want to have to do this."

He pulls a gun out of his back pocket, I feel my heart drop. this can't be happening right now.

My stomach hurts, I feel light headed. It feels like everything is going in slow motion.

"Dylan, no." Maria finally says

"Sit down " He says and points the gun at her

I start to shake scared he might fire the gun at any moment.

"Dylan, buddy. It's okay, just put the gun down. We can work this out." I hear Zack say

"Dont speak unless you're spoken to." He points the gun at Zack.

I stand in front of Zack, thinking Dylan won't shoot me.

"Move baby." Dylan says.

My stomach turns.

"No." I say

"Dont protect him, He's nothing. " Dylan screams

"Ashley run, Call the police." Zack whispers

"No, he'll kill you."

"Come here, Ashley." Dylan says and I do.

I have to protect everyone, Maybe if I listen to him he won't do anything stupid.

He hugs me tightly.

"It's all going to be okay." Dylan says in my ear

Lightening strikes outside and I flinch.

"Ashley..." Zack says clearly scared "Come back to me."

"I told you she's mine." Dylan laughs

"She is not."

Zack comes running towards Dylan.

I hear a gun shot.

I see blood.

The room goes completely dark.

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